Plantar Faciitis

Thanks - you are a gem, Mickey.

For whomever bumped this up. You can buy Birkenstock inserts. I have them.

I had PF and was almost crippled before I figured it out. I lived in my Birkenstocks and never went barefoot (I LOVE going barefoot.) When wearing shoes, I always put my inserts in. They work fine in riding boots.

I tried all kinds of things. Someone on OT day recommended a site where the miracle cure was basically stretching. Yeah, right. Well, I stretched. EVery single time I stood up, I did the rider’s stretch against the wall and stretched out those tendons. I swear, it worked. Seems ridiculous, but it does.

I wear my Birk’s as sandals and keep my inserts in tennis shoes, but don’t otherwise and go barefoot all of the time again.

Bumping this back up cuz (I can’t believe I’m saying this), Dr. Scholl’s sneakers from Wal-Mart are da bomb for my PF! :yes:

No pain, none, nada. Comfie, soft, well fitting (even my wide foot).

Take 'em off and switch to the old New Balance sneaks (with heel inserts) for the barn or, THE WORST, my Ariat Terrains and --shazam-- PF pain comes screaming back.

So if you’re game, give them a try!

Thanks Choco. I will look into those.

New to this conversation but just had to add that massage has helped my PF tremendously. Yesterday, I was in a lot of pain gimping around the office and then I had a massage last night focusing on my lower legs. This morning, I was able to practically jump out of bed for the first time in months! I recommend giving it a whirl if nothing else seems to be helping.

I’ve had PF for about 3-4 months now. IT SUCKS. Went to the doc about 5 weeks ago and I’m sleeping in a boot and doing lots of stretching exercises. However, I think this is getting worse not better. I have a follow-up appt. at the end of the month. There is a spot on the inside of my heel that feels like a really deep bad bruise. Is that a normal spot for PF pain? This is driving my crazy. I only wear Birkenstocks or athletic shoes with good support. I’m really bummed that I’m not seeing improvement and somewhat worried that it feels worse.

When my PF had crippled me, I was fortunate to have a barn mate suggest Shock Wave therapy. Three treatments, a week apart, reduced the most painful symptoms and now I manage it with stretches and the boot. Find yourself a Dr,. or a Vet with a shock wave machine!!!

Hello everyone,
I am new here but this thread caught my eye…have had PF for years, also Lymes (13 Years), had the steroid injections…horrible, 3 in each foot, and got orthodics Now I am very careful about my shoes…and believe it or not, the Croc’s sandals an flipflops are amazing when you get up in the morning after stretching. Use only good shoes with heel and arch supports. (try Zappo’s) …I wear Ariat’s 90% of the time…rolling the feet on a frozen Mt. Dew bottle (must be the shape) works pretty good, never had any luck with the night time equipment…been in the hospital 3 times this year for the Lyme’s, have neuropathy in my lower legs…so am struggling a bit…when I ride I find I don’t have the strength in my lower legs like I used to, so am working on trying to strengthen than and I think some of the numbness will subside…the PF has been one of the most painful things I have had to endure…for over 8 years…so be very aggressive about dealing with it…I can’t wear flats of any kind, have to have some kind of a heel and cushioning in all my shoes…it will come back if you don’t protect yourself…

When my PF had crippled me, I was fortunate to have a barn mate suggest Shock Wave therapy. Three treatments, a week apart, reduced the most painful symptoms and now I manage it with stretches and the boot. Find yourself a Dr,. or a Vet with a shock wave machine!!![/QUOTE]

I did everthing but Shock Wave, boot at night, injections, nothing cured it until I had custom made orthotics from my foot doctor. She made molds of my feet, I had orthotics for each foot, cured me in a month and that was six years ago; and I haven’t had any pain since (I quit using the orthotics after several months).


Anyone like their Spenco hard arch supports better or as well as their custom orthotics?

I do. If the Spencos drop (flatten) over time, you can boil them and bend them up again?

Blew me away, but they work for me too – The Dr Scholl’s orthotics that are also available ar Wal-Mart have really helped me – They’re the ones you stand on the sensor to be fitted for – Night splints, rolling frozen water bottles and stretching is also part of my routine when PF flares up – Recently retired my last pair of Dansko paddocks (worn with Dr. S orthothics) – Replaced them with round toe zip up Ariats, but the orthotics don’t fit, so my feet are feeling it – I want to get some boot stretch to see if I can stretch them enough to fit the orthotics in – If not, I may try the lace ups –

For me it was Crocs. I have super, super wide feet, where even an extra wide tennis shoe pinches. I think I was trying to “make do” with an extra wide shoe when I really needed 3x wide. I was loading my feet wrong. Got a pair of Crocs and never looked back. After two weeks, the pain was significantly less. Before that I did the stretching, the wrapping, and so on. So Crocs might be another option. And go to their website–they have a huge variety of all kinds of shoes, not just the slip on holey things.

My recommendations…

Orthaheel sandals
Nike shoes for pronating feet - obscene arch support!!!
Ice packs
PF boot at night

These fixed my PF!! Now I just stretch daily to avoid issues and wear the above shoes, or others with very good arch support.

I stopped wearing any shoes which aggravated it.

Definitey attack it on any and all fronts before you get it permanently or develop heel spurs!

Strange. I love my crocs but my feet hate them. Totally not enough arch support I guess.

This is what worked for me. I would put Tiger Balm on the area and then wrap my foot with Vet Wrap in a figure 8 to support the arch. I did make sure I had arch supports in both shoes or boots (same concept as wrapping both front legs on a horse when on is lame). This worked better than all the other products or gizmos out there.

ugh guys I am suffering right now, my PF is the worst it has ever been. I have been an on and off sufferer for about 4 years. Tried cortisone shots, once it worked, the next it didn’t… have just dealt with it via stretching etc for the last few years and today it is just the worst ever. I don’t even want to get up out of bed or out of the chair if I’m watching TV at night. I wear slippers all day most of the time because I work from home. Used to have Haflinger slippers that I loved but now I have Uggs, I think I need to switch back as much as I love the Uggs. For shoes, I am at a loss. Everything hurts my feet. I have to wear open backed shoes but anything closed kills my feet. Any suggestions? I wore Birkenstock sandals all summer, and now I’m not since the weather is cold, maybe that is part of the problem?

Do Uggs offer any arch support at all? You really need arch support.

Do Uggs offer any arch support at all? You really need arch support.[/QUOTE]

They really don’t offer anything significant, maybe a tiny bit, but are oh so cuddly and warm :slight_smile: I asked for the Haflinger slippers fo Christmas last year and husband who doesn’t get it, got these instead. I just ordered a pair of Haflingers and Birkenstock shoes for winter, hopefully they will help. Been stretching every day, rolling the frozen water bottle etc.

That is only helping with pain caused by the lack of arch support. Add the arch support and things will be so much better.

That is only helping with pain caused by the lack of arch support. Add the arch support and things will be so much better.[/QUOTE]

thanks, I do think it must be my changeover to fall/winter shoes from my Birkenstocks, so hopefully new ones will help.