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Plantation/Unionville 2022 live stream?

Will there be one? The PF website has a button for “live stream,” but it directs you to YouTube, and there is no channel there… Any pointers would be appreciated. Thank you!

Hi! Yes, YouTube, for the weekend though not today. Maybe dressage Friday? I’ll check …

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@charger75 4* dressage livestream! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iJvs8bSPbY

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Thanks, the link took me there!

I prepped breeding data for the live stream so I know they’re planning on showing the jumping phases of all the FEI divisions at least.

Thanks, sorry for late reply!

Is anyone watching? I re-joined the stream for 4S show jumping and it’s just a placeholder saying they are on a break.(Update: It’s on, but they are showing XC – are they not going to cover the four-star show jumping?)

I am off and on. They split screen for the leaders (like Buck)

I was surprised to see this topic… I thought they were shutting down due to the brouhaha over the name?

I don’t mean to derail discussion of the competition itself, but can anyone summarize how the controversy was resolved?

A bit of googling always helps.

From the article:

This week, while USEF CEO Bill Moroney emphasized the organization’s commitment to its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan, he noted in a statement that, “decisions regarding venue and competition names are ultimately at the discretion and the responsibility of individual organizers.” That means Plantation can have both its name and its licenses.

Even after Cuyler cancelled the lease, the event still had two years to run under its contract. The question now is whether the USEF position taking the pressure off the name issue will encourage Cuyler to renew the lease beyond that term.

“It may help,” mused Denis Glaccum, president of the Plantation Field Equestrian Events, which run from spring through the fall.

“Let’s see what comes out of it.”

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I don’t have much to add to that, but I did see an UL rider call it the Unionville CCI on IG, so maybe it’ll start trending that way as time goes on.

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I don’t know much about this. I thought the event site/ landowner had a year or two to go on the contract and couldn’t cancel it outright… Event Entries continues to refer to it as Plantation Field, and the USEA refers to it as Plantation Field on its calendar. Eventing Nation doesn’t seem to cover the event – or maybe they are barred from doing so – and refers to it as Unionville in links to the competition information.

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Anyone have a working link to todays stream?

Anyone know who the announcers are?

I was wondering the same - who were the commentators?

Dorothy Crowell did the livestream. There were some synching issues.

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