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Please! A prayer for my brother!

My oldest brother is a pilot for Northwest & has not yet been accounted for…NWA main offices will not give us any information except that there are about 50 planes still up in the US & that some of theirs are not yet accounted for. SUZ

My oldest brother is a pilot for Northwest & has not yet been accounted for…NWA main offices will not give us any information except that there are about 50 planes still up in the US & that some of theirs are not yet accounted for. SUZ

HuntjumpSC - I have my fingers crossed, and I’m hoping as hard as I can. I’m sure he’s just fine, but I can imagine how hard it must be not to panic.


“Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.” ~Elsa Maxwell

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

He’s OK! We heard from him a couple of hours ago…what a relief… Thanks guys for your support…we all need to be here for each other. Delighted…so glad to hear that yours are safe as well. It’s wierd, but my dad has always said that if there were to be a major act of terrorism here in the US, it would be done w/ commercial airliners. I’m really beginning to wonder if I am going into the right line of work… SUZ

Praying for your brother. And know the authorities are very cautious about releasing information until every little detail is confirmed. It does not mean there is necessarily anything to hide, just want to be certain.

Best of luck to you… and your family.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

a shred of good news out of this mess, I’m so happy he’s o.k Suz!

Oh Suz! You and your brother certainly do have our prayers! I know it is hard for you not to panic, but you know with all the confusion and planes landing at the nearest available airport there is bound to be quite awhile before they get it all straightened out.

I know you come from a flying family and are now a pilot yourself. How doubly horrible this must be for those in the aviation community.

Thank the lord. I was afraid there would never be anything good that would come out of this mess. Thank god he is ok. God bless!!!

OK I don’t know if this will be any comfort but I live in Minneapolis (Home of NWA) and they have confirmed all NWA planes are accounted for. Hope you get a hold of your brother soon!!

As far as sick planning goes, Colin, today is also 9/11. (9-1-1).

I hope you get in touch with him soon - what a happy birthday for you…

Swift’s Injuries: 4 Major, 21 Minor, 9 XRays. Injuries to rider: 6.

when I was finishing up in the barn (waaaay late today) NPR reported that there were still approximately 50 planes still in the air; none of these had reported any difficulties and had therefore been given permission to proceed to their destinations, rather than land at the nearest airport…United and American are the airlines whose planes were hijacked.

Hope your brother is accounted for now.

My friend who is the pilot (about whom I was talk to you earlier) has been accounted for - he was in NYC until early this morning, when he flew to Chicago - he’s grounded in Chicago, but is renting a car and driving home now. His wife, who is distraught but pulled together (if you can be both), calls this, “a wakeup call” about his job.

Hope your birthday gets better -

Swift’s Injuries: 4 Major, 21 Minor, 9 XRays. Injuries to rider: 6.

That the terrorists chose:

The United States of American

those two airlines…this is so sick!