Please fix the massive spam problem in the Hunter Jumper forum

Many pages of posts of spam - can’t find real posts any more.

I think we’ve gotten it all cleared out. Wow…that was unprecedented.

Our apologies! We’re working to avoid future similar issues.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Nope, a ton more today in Off Topic at least.

None earlier, when I checked.

Wonder what’s with all those?
Before we didn’t have but the rare spam post, now strings of them?

May be a new spamming technique.

yeah saw that.
Wonder if it’s related to the new ads–lots more here and not horse related.

I’m guessing that the new software is better at SEO, so we show up better in google searches. More visibility = more spam. Also more new REAL users. Double edged sword? Perhaps I’m wrong.

An IP filter to block or moderate China/So Korea/wherever we’re getting most of our spam might be useful?

Huge amount showing up again in the Hunter/Jumper forum.

And again, in the Hunter/jumper forum. Not sure why that one seems to be such a prime target?!