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Please help find our horses in PA - REWARD

Hi folks. It is with a heavy heart that I ask for everyone’s help. About 3 and a half years ago my 75 year old friend Stan from across the street became ill. He had 3 horses. His wife had passed from cancer 5 years before and he promised her that he would continue to care for the horses as long as he could. The horses were Tiara a 35 year old chestnut Arab mare,Misty a white flea bitten Arab mare in her 20’s and Oreo a white with black specs flee bitten Appaloosa mix also in her 20’s.

My wife and I visited the farm every day to help him take care of the horses. After a year of taking care of them his condition worsened and he was diagnosed with cancer. At that point he asked us to find the horses homes. We took Tiara to our farm but didn’t have room for the other two.

We contacted our friends Nate and Darlene of Forgotten angels in New Jersey. They searched around and found a person to take the other two. The adopter was checked out and passed all the steps necessary to complete the adoption. A no sale must return to rescue contract was signed and the horses went to Bensalem PA. All seemed good and occasionally we would have contact with the adopter.

Fast forward to last week and the adopter contacted Darlene to say that her neighbor decided to give away his 3 horses and somehow her 3 wound up on the trailer also. It seems her small farm ran adjacent to her neighbors farm and they would leave a shared gate open for all of the horses could mingle back and forth between the 2 properties. Neighbor is an 83 year old man and decided to liquidate the whole bunch of them.

All we know is they were picked up by a woman named Racheal around April 15. It’s not to clear if she even knew of the rescue status of Misty and Oreo however they were not to be rehomed and she has no right to them.

They left the Bensalem PA area and went to the Jim Thorpe/Carbon County area. We re going on the basis that this was a misunderstanding however they need to be rehomed.

I am offering a $1,000.00 cash reward for the information that leads to their safe return, no questions asked. All leads will be held in the strictest confidence. I was at New Holland Monday and did not see them there.

Imagine how me, my wife and Darlene feel. Me and my wife sat down with our dying friend and the adopter and assured him this was a good thing and look what happens.

I know once they leave your hands you have lost control of the situation and look what we are dealing with.

Please contact me through this site or Forgotten Angels Facebook page with tips and to hopefully pick up your reward in exchange for the horses. Thanks.

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