Please post tips for easing your aches and pains during or after a ride!

30 minutes in our hot tub the night after my lesson or ride seems to ease up the aches and pains.[/QUOTE]

This is definitely my treatment too

  • Hot Tub
  • Tiger Balm, Bengay, Heat patches, etc. on my bad hip before bed
  • Univera’s “Regenicare” is pretty good stuff, I drink it if I’m sore

I use copious quantities of Stop Pain in the roll-on format. Tried the spray-on and the rub-on, but the roll-on works best for me.

Stop Pain really does stop pain. :smiley:

I use it on all my Fibro points before bed each night. I also use it on my lower back before riding/barn chores.

I loves those endurance stirrups! They are so comfy and give me a feeling of stability.

Because my calf muscles have atrophied so much (from arterial disease) I use gentle spurs, mostly on the right side as that is my weakest calf. My Ice is a wonderful responsive and kind fellow, but if I am even a little bit tired I put on that spur.

I also changed from a dressage saddle to an Aussie saddle with a horn for security. I know I ain’t coming out of that saddle unless I want to! Ice is a very relaxed, non-spooky horse but I need the extra security the Aussie gives due to my disabilities.

A hot shower with a massaging shower-head helps a lot. :lol:

My fibro doctor recommended a hot tub but I don’t have one myself and with my immune system I can’t see using a public one, like at the YMCA. But I can try hot baths in the bath tub.

I do have a waterjet massaging foot bath. My back seems to be related to my feet quite a bit, and I am a big believer in reflexology. I need to use it more often!!

Oh, I also wear warm long underwear and polarfleece breeches. It rains alot here (Seattle area) and I have Ariat waterproof paddock boots. The combination keeps me dry and toasty! :lol:

Simple. Hordes of opiates. (just kidding!)

But seriously, I got this stuff called RSD in my knee/ankle… Its a constant fight but through medication and even some horsemen tricks, I can keep it together.

Ahh… Sorry, my secrets is this. I know alot of us HATE DMSO… But if you mix it with Lidocaine, Chile peppers and put it on affected joint it works wonders. Well, it works great for me. Ofcourse you have the nasty I-cant-describe-breath, but it works on my bad days.

Simple. Hordes of opiates. (just kidding!)

But seriously, I got this stuff called RSD in my knee/ankle… Its a constant fight but through medication and even some horsemen tricks, I can keep it together.

Ahh… Sorry, my secrets is this. I know alot of us HATE DMSO… But if you mix it with Lidocaine, Chile peppers and put it on affected joint it works wonders. Well, it works great for me. Ofcourse you have the nasty I-cant-describe-breath, but it works on my bad days.[/QUOTE]

Good lord be careful with that. DMSO is not excreted well if at all in the human body, I believe it builds up over time in the liver. Stick with the opiates!

Two Aleve. It’s a double dose.

My doctor recommended it and it really helps.

I also use jointed stirrups which has helped my knees a lot and when necessary, Thermocare heating pads.

Good lord be careful with that. DMSO is not excreted well if at all in the human body, I believe it builds up over time in the liver. Stick with the opiates![/QUOTE]

Actually, my pain doc prescribed it for use on my bad days. I asked the compounding pharmacy what the mixture was and learned how to make it myself. I use it sparingly and only on my bad days when the burning and swelling are preventing me from getting out.

Opiates cloud my judgment so bad I dont want to take the risk around the horses and get killed… lol

I’m a little late replying here…but I have RA and am getting nodules in my elbows and feet that are really painful and warmth is key! I wear winter riding boots and wool socks if it is below about 45 degrees as well as winter riding pants.

For my elbows and wrists, I wear these:

Don’t laugh…they work great and come in all sorts of fun designs. I wear them at the gym for my PT too as does my workout buddy (who is totally healthy but likes the extra warmth and wicking power)

An infrared patio heater hung up over my tacking up area. Keeps my hands from totally freezing in cold weather. The farrier likes it too, LOL.

Epsom Salt with Arnica is Heaven!

Amen sister!![/QUOTE]

Our health food store sells this blend of epsom salts with salted arnica. I get in a totally altered state whenever I soak in this blend. If you can’t find it in your local hippie store, maybe you can find it on line. It is divine.

I find pills and alcohol to work well at the end of the day! lol

Nothing has really worked for me, but I have so many problems going on it is crazy.

Biofreeze! I love this stuff. When I was doing some really painful therapeutic massages the therapist would rub it on and oh it felt so nice. It’s cool and then…numbing. Smells minty not medically too.

treating soreness

Ditto for the hot tub, before and after riding it will keep the muscles soft and lose, remove any muscle tension.
Secondly there is now a NSAID cream, Voltoran basically human Surpass. Its prescription but much easier to tolerate because there is no systemic and/or digestive effect. I’ve even used it on hip bursitis when it was prescribed for knee pain.
I use a Professional Choice knee sleeve that fits under my riding clothes even tights , very light and flexible really helps and keeps the knee warm.My spouse is a Physical Therapist so I can try all kinds of braces but this one works best for riding.

I agree with the hot bath!! Also, there is something I believe it is called Rider’s Relief that you can buy to put in the tub…works amazing!! It gives your muscles that tingling feeling and feels good. It is about $15 for a bottle and it has epsom salts, eucalyptus, and menthol in it…sooo relaxing and smells really good too!

Where do you find it, horseluvr? It sounds a bit like vetrolin linament. I use to use the vetrolin for the horses and for me in the summer. It was great during the 10 minute box on cross-country. I was doing upper levels long format. Don’t know if it is legal for the horses in competition now. Lovely still for me!

whicker - It is called Rider’s Reward! I knew it was rider’s something! Works wonders it is made by Epona Products and is a therapeutic mineral bath. Made with eucalyptus and salt crystals. I buy it from my local tack store but they have it on also if you want to check it out.

Thanks, Horseluvr!

Thanks, horseluvr!

Now you have given me a reason to fix the stopper in my tub and stop using it as a place to feed the cats…:lol:

Lots of good ideas here! I’ll have to try the glucosamine, chondroitin and Hyaluronic acid combo. Looks like sunray sells it here:

So where and how do you get a good knee brace? I got one from my doctor that is soooo bulky and uncomfortable that I only wore it once. Tried a neoprene one from Walgreen’s, and couldn’t get it on over my fat leg. I’m a little fluffy, but I’m not THAT big. I wish there was a better way to figure out what size knee sleeve to get, besides just guessing. I’m a small person, so I thought I could wear a size small…nope. I think neoprene is what I’m looking for, though.

I’ve been sooo achy lately…and now I can’t bend my right hip far enough to sit down in a saddle. It’s like I can bend my hip so far, and then it’s just agony. :frowning: I’ve going to see my doctor for it tomorrow, and to get a 2nd opinion on my right knee. Injured my knees over a year ago falling off a spooky arabian; then felt something tear in my right knee in Feb. 09. Doctor #1 said he couldn’t see anything wrong. But it doesn’t feel right and hurts quite often.

I hope it’s not arthritis in my right hip. I don’t know what I’ll do if it’s permanent. It’s been like this for several weeks.

At least my left arm is steadily getting better. Dislocated & cracked my left elbow last fall when I fell off of a spooky foxtrotter. I also landed on the left side of my lower back, which is still very stiff. I wonder if it could have caused the right hip thing somehow? However, the pain seems to be in the joint this time…it doesn’t feel muscular.

I’ve been feeling more confident about riding again after my last accident, but then I couldn’t sit in the saddle. Hopefully, though, my hip will get better; I have a new (used) Tucker endurance saddle that I want to try out! Has the gel seat and endurance stirrups.
