I don’t know if it’s the computer I’m working with or the COTH server, but I can’t separate my paragraphs (horrors!!!) and the smilies don’t work for me now.
It is still taking 20-40 seconds for any new page to load for me. While this is a significant improvement from the first day, it is very frustrating. Are you still making changes that will improve the loading time or is this it?
Hi, I’m using Google Chrome on the forums, and the font is HORRIBLE. It’s not that it’s too small, it’s that there is literally a space at the top of every letter/character (like the letters aren’t joined at the tops!).
I’m not even going to echo the comments on the width of the forums vs. ads, but I will say that the whole JOIN OUR COMMUNITY and RSS FEEDS areas are completely inconsequential to me as I don’t use any of those features (can’t imagine that I’m the ONLY one!), so they are eating up a huge amount of space that I am basically ignoring – you could locate those elsewhere, shrink the width of the ad area and still expose the reader to more ads than you are right now.
Server issues
It is still taking 20-40 seconds for any new page to load for me. While this is a significant improvement from the first day, it is very frustrating. Are you still making changes that will improve the loading time or is this it?[/QUOTE]
Hi SubK… thanks for posting, yes, we are looking into the server load issues today. We now have 2 full days of server logs to analyze to find the best solution.
Viewing the forums improved a lot when…
I updated to IE 8.
I don’t know if it’s the computer I’m working with or the COTH server, but I can’t separate my paragraphs (horrors!!!) and the smilies don’t work for me now.[/QUOTE]
Hi Arabhorse2… thanks for posting. I haven’t heard from anyone else about the smilies or the paragraphs not working, so we will definitely look into it. If you wouldn’t mind, what browser are you using? Firefox, IE, Safari, Google Chrome?
Thank you!
Remember Me
Hi Dinah, it IS new and it’s not remembering me either, so I will flag this as a bug. Thank you!
Hey Erin,
A different issue:
The large adds are actually blocking 1/2 of the page in the Private Message area. ie: I can not read the entire message because the ads are over top of it.
Internet Explorer 7
Gave up on the search feature - waited for 5 minutes before calling uncle. S. L. O. W.
Hey Erin,
A different issue:
The large adds are actually blocking 1/2 of the page in the Private Message area. ie: I can not read the entire message because the ads are over top of it.
Internet Explorer 7[/QUOTE]
Dilligaff2, thank you. I’ll take a screenshot of it and pass it along to the dev team. Thank you!
Keep them coming folks! This is most helpful.
Same speed issues (well, lack thereof) as subk, on both Safari and on IE today. Sorry . . .
Still very, very slow, regardless of browser or server.
Still very, very slow, regardless of browser or server. I often give up before I post…hey…maybe that was what you wanted!!!
Hey Erin!
Figure I’ll publicly post additional things as I find them, so folks know they’re on the radar. I’m on Internet Explorer v. 8.
The banner is no longer clickable to the home page. It worked for me initially, but isn’t now.
The Photos & Video caption used to be at the bottom of the box; now it’s migrated to the right side above the arrow.
“Contact Us” toolbar at the bottom is back–woo-hoo!
Mod 1
Thanks for the Blue Text Return!!! YAY!
YAY! Blue is back!
The drop down boxes at the top are now leaving shadows if you accidently roll your mouse near them.
Really overly sensitive too, BTW.
I do not know if it will help any but I had this problem on Friday. It did allow me to edit them in using edit though. But posting originally no hard returns showed up.
I use Firefox, not sure what version though, sorry. Oh and Vista.
And yes, things are still so slow that I frequently get timed out. Very frustrating.
Sensitive rollovers
I’ve added the overly sensitive rollovers in the main navigation to our fix list. Thank you for flagging!
thanks for format improvements, still slow though
I am using a cable broadband connection, and a fast machine. The forum loads up quickly on Google Chrome, but when I use IE, it takes 2 minutes for site to respond, another 2 minutes for private messages display to respond and show me my messages. I am not having that problem with any other site, so it apparently is on your side.
The readability issue has improved; thanks for going back to blue. There is still a bit of screen glare (that I do not notice anywhere else but here) but at least the forum area now occupies about 66% of the width of the screen instead of a scant third of it.
I agree with many who have said the COTH banner needs to come back. Not only is it part of the COTH ‘brand’ but most of us horsepeople enjoy recognition of tradition and longevity in an equestrian pursuit, in this case publication.)
Hey, I visited just now with IE and it popped right up, yay!