Please tell me about Virginia

I can’t believe I’m even here but please tell me about the western performance horse scene in Virginia. Preferably southern Virginia or even northern North Carolina.

I’m currently showing in regionally based cowhorse and ranch horse associations on the west coast. I’d ideally be looking for something similar back there but mostly just want to hear about the options. Is there AQHA/APHA involvement?


Well … she’s a nice girl. Pretty too.

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Well, I don’t know much about western but the VA horse center just shared these dates (does AQHA not have a master calendar available for you to look at for other areas?):

The countdown to our Western show season begins! Save these dates and join us at the Virginia Horse Center for an exciting lineup of AQHA Shows! :star2:

:spiral_calendar: AQHA March to Virginia and Virginia Maiden: March 26-30, 2025
:spiral_calendar: VQHA Spring Breakout: April 16-19, 2025
:spiral_calendar: East Coast Halter Futurity at Spring Breakout: April 20, 2026
:spiral_calendar: AQHA Virginia Harvest Festival: November 20-23, 2025

Featuring renowned AQHA judges, NSBA sanctioned special money classes, and new electric golf carts! :trophy: Plan your show season today!

#VirginiaHorseCenter #VHC #AQHA