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Pleasure division vs. schooling hunter division, and question about monoflap

Yes not sure what’s going on. Lots of old posts bumped up by what appears to be deleted posts from 2014. Weird.

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Some people bump (by accident presumably) and then delete to hide that they resurrected the thread. I don’t get it.

the command classes I’ve done are classes that have several spotters, announcer will call out a command and you like like 4 seconds to react to what the command is. If you take to long to pick up gait you’re called into the center. Winner is the horse/rider who’s left. Halts are usually the killers as horse cannot move a muscle once they halt.

Frankly I personally am not a fan of people using Pleasure divisions as a green hunter division. I’ve seen too many fresh green beans terrifying novice riders on their steady eddies which sometimes aren’t so steady when a green bean is acting up. Use the schooling hunter please.

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This post is from 2014.
Hopefully, the OP figured it out already.

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