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Plight of the peeps...

While channel surfing last night, I landed on the Food Channel, just in time to pick up the information that there will be 600 million, yes million, peeps consumed during the Easter season.

I have to say I was amazed at this figure, but after reading this topic, now can see where they got that figure – a good lot of the eaters are COTH BB posters

Aha! So this is what happened to my annual “Chicky-Pippy” birthday cake, eh?

Every year, since I was a little kid, my mom, Queen of Horse Show Moms, would bake me a chicky-pippy cake: a white cake with coconut icing lined with yellow peeps, like they were nesting around the cake. And this year… NOTHING! No cake, no peeps!

Queen Heidi was behind it, I’m sure of it!

ROTFLMAO…my husband now firmly believes I am insane, as am dying of laughter sitting here in a dark room, in front of a brightly lit computer screen.

Ding Dong…“Who is at the door this late? What are those people doing here with that straight jacket? No, no, I’m not crazy…the peeps are to blame!!!”

Okay, so here’s a secret (all Queens have them, you know!). When I first started with my new doctor, he wanted me to try to maintain my weight. And one of the things I was told to eat was marshmallows, because they’re high in calories but haven’t any fat. So… does this mean peeps are medically indicated? Do I need a prescription for my peeps? Will they be covered by my insurance?

Will I have to go onto the black market to buy my dose of peeps?

See Merry, panhandling for peeps money. See her in a sugar-induced haze, stumbling along skid row, strung out, pink and yellow spittle foaming from her mouth from a recent peeps fix…

LOL! I’d forgotten about this one!

~Stressed is Desserts written backwards…Concidence? I think not!~

You guys are killing me here! I myself am guilty of “peepocide”~ so I shall start a self-help group called “Peep Killers Anonymous”~ anyone want in??? LOL Actually~ I think I may have invented a new form of “peepocide”~ one that does not involve the use of the “Peep Torture Chamber” (or microwave)~ PEEP S’MORES!!! Yes! Stick a coat hanger in those little sugary suckers, roast 'em over an open flame~ add Hershey bars & Graham crackers & there you have it! The ultimate in Peep torture! I can hear their little cries now:

sizzle PEEP! sizzle PEEP! sizzle PEEP!


Merry, did we ever get to see a shot of the QHSM’s chicky pippy cake?

Oh NO! Lavender bunnies associating with the Peeps.
The Horror!!!

Everyone knows a lavender bunnie is NOT to be trusted.

Now lets talk about Circus Peanuts.

I cannot BELIEVE the lengths people will go to justify their brutality and cruelty towards these helpless food items. And people wonder why there are extremists among us!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Rip them apart and float them in hot chocolate, or stick one whole on top and watch the bottom half of its body slowly melt away. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uh-oh…I sense myself about to commit a wildly hypocritical act…

Well, I just came down from my peep-induced 24 hour stupor. Oh, the places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen…The unimaginable peep torture I’ve witnessed would curl your hair.

Oh wait, that was ME torturing the hapless marshmallow creatures!


BTW, I hope you’ve all started collecting the various ingredients needed for the “World Peeps Easter Centrepiece.”

Perhaps Merry’s mom could redeem herself with the creation of such an, er, edifice? I mean, c’mon, it has MARZIPAN CONTINENTS! I’m picturing a ride at Disney like the “Small World” one, except all the characters are made of sugar coated marshmallow.

It is especially sad because most of the peeps die via beheading

Here is a site for “Peep-Willow” Farm


Moesha – I guess by scare tactics, I felt that she gave the impression that those horrid people were going to get the horses back unless people sent money to her organization. It made me more than a little suspicious, and I was very put off by her post, because I am involved with several horse rescue groups and rescue bbs and we get a lot of solicitations like these. Unfortunately, many of the requests turn out not to be legitimate.

Marshmallow peeps – yummy!

Y’alls just reminded me that I have to get a box to poison people with

Peeps are pretty to look at, but taste like…

I am head chairperson of the Peeps Defense fund!!
Contributions can be sent directly to me. Oh yeah dont forget to search for the lovely links posted for the abuse of peeps.!

And Krashgirl, this forum was created especially for silly topics such as the hottie thread. I assure you that everyone here takes topics such as abuse seriously and if you were to post them somewhere that was perhaps minus the giddy factor you would get some absolutely wonderful responses.

on HN73’s bonfire Saturday night after the Old Dominion races. The yellow ones were sacrificed and the pink and lavender Peeps and blue bunnies were forced to watch.

I don’t eat 'em either. Once upon a time, marshmellow was made in part from cow and horse hoof to get that gelatinous consisitancy. Don’t know if that’s still the case or not. Secondary to that, I am compulsive about my teeth and all that sugar would rot them right out of my head.

No, I just happened to have my camera on hand when I inadvertently became a witness to a horrifying spectacle. Oh, it gets worse–MUCH worse. But first, I need to go and finish that Laphroaig to steady my nerves before I reveal the rest of the story.

you peeps are sick-sick,sick,sick!

“If the world was a logical place, men would ride side saddle.”- I have no clue

Stop with icky chicky-pippy cake already! The fact that you actually LIKED the thing instead of just eating it out of daughterly duty AS I WAS FORCED TO DO, is enough to make me think you DESERVED to lose your crown to the frozen north!

If I promise to make you one, do you solemnly vow to A) HUSH ALREADY and B) not force me to eat those icky sticky squishy creatures??