How do I get rid of that darn Smartpak ad, it is covering my PMs, which I can’t access.

Adblocker. What browser are you using?

Are you using Internet Explorer to view the site? If so, please be sure that you do NOT have the compatibility view function enabled. IE9 users had to have it checked to use the previous version of the site, but we’ve had reports that it now causing formatting issues on the site now that we’re IE9-compatible.

You can disable compatibility view the same way you enable it: by clicking the icon that looks like a piece of paper torn in half, up by the URL field where our web address appears.

If that doesn’t help or apply, please let me know, and let me know what browser you’re using to view the site.

Mod 1

I’m not having your ad problem, so apologies if you’ve tried this–but could you temporarily get around this by going to Settings and choosing Inbox on the right? That’ll take you to your PMs.

I have this issue on IE8 (at work, where I am not admin on my computer and cannot install anything). I can only see the leftmost edge of my PMs, the rest are covered by a smartpak ad and the COTH picutres that are usually on the right hand side of the forums.