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Poignant picture on TV news, one of many of course

Did anyone else see the picture of the rescue worker totally sound asleep on the street with his rescue dog curled up so close with him? It was on ABC with Peter Jennings just awhile ago.

I hope it makes it to print, because it was just soooo heartwarming. They “both” were totally exhauted but inseperable. Now there was another tear jerker.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Did anyone else see the picture of the rescue worker totally sound asleep on the street with his rescue dog curled up so close with him? It was on ABC with Peter Jennings just awhile ago.

I hope it makes it to print, because it was just soooo heartwarming. They “both” were totally exhauted but inseperable. Now there was another tear jerker.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

I too saw it tonight. What a touching image.

I didn’t see it, but just hearing about it brought the sting of tears to my eyes (for about the 1000th time this week).

My husband was petting one on one of his breaks. A 12 year old golden named “Bear” and fell asleep as he was petting him. He said he was just exhausted! Gotta love them!
