Are there ever instances where a pony qualifies for pony finals and the owners need a young person to ride it for them? Is that even a thing?
I have a 14 year old daughter who is a really good rider and is so hard working and dedicated to the sport, well beyond her age. We have a pony that we bought green and she worked with him for a long time and they have really evolved into an amazing team. Pony Finals has always been a dream for her but we just can’t afford to go to a lot of A shows and he’s had some bizarre injuries during the last two seasons that have taken him out of a few shows. We love our pony so much but we know he doesn’t move as well as some of these high end expensive ones.
My daughter is getting older and this is probably her last year in the pony divisions. I’m just wondering if this is a dream that I could ever fulfill for her before she has to move on.
Pony Finals leases are definitely a thing. Price depends on many factors, but basically boils down to are you paying for a chance at a ribbon, or a chance to go experience PF on a pony who qualified but is unlikely to place against the bigger field. You may need to factor in showing the week before as well, as a warm up. Many barns that lease are going to be EXPENSIVE to show with- high training fees, lots of grooms etc. If you take your own you can control some of the costs in a way that isn’t possible when you lease for a week or two.
It would be unlikely that a pony would be available without a lease, there is a big enough market for PF leases that it wouldn’t make sense for owners to give away a ride. Also, the pony world is relatively small, trainers with “extra” ponies would most likely work their contacts to find a proven pony jockey.
Depending on where you live it’s not that hard to qualify, it only takes one good show. There are plenty of A shows around me that may only have a few ponies in a division. Do some sleuthing and find a show where qualifying is more likely. Usually when all the bigger trainers are at a large regional/national show for some special event and the smaller “local” A show is quieter. Showing to qualify your own pony is probably going to be less expensive than a lease. Good luck to your daughter!
This page has a lot of assorted pony finals conversations.
I agree that if you pick the right show, it’s not too hard to qualify.
Good luck!
Have her apply for the USHJA Gochman Grant! It sends 3 kids to PF each year, all expenses paid, on an already-qualified pony.
As long as she’s pony-sized, she can ride ponies for another 3-4 years. She’s ageing out of the mediums at this age, but still can do greens until she’s done with her junior years.
Have you talked to your trainer? A lot of time the trainers can campaign for you if they think she’d be a good pony jock. That’s how a lot of the kids get the rides.
Thanks for all the great information!