Hello All!
This will be our first and likely last year for Pony Finals - my daughter is going in the regulars… Sadly, she is quickly outgrowing the ponies :no:!
Our trainer, while accomplished at the A and AA level, is admittedly not specifically a pony trainer, much less Pony Finals experienced and will be elsewhere with others from her program.
Another mom from our barn is considering sending her daughter in the greens (our girls are bffs and very supportive of each other). Sidebar - The other mom and I are working on our best trainer options…
That aside, it seems that even if we use the same trainer, the girls and their ponies will not be there at the same time . Infact, it appears that their ponies can’t even be at the KHP at the same time. The greens go at the beginning of the week and then must leave as the regular/ division come in for the latter part of the week. The girls will certainly be in town to support one another. …Perhaps we moms and respective ponies will have to pass in the night and swap kids & ponies? How have other people/ trainers/ barns handled this? …Thoughts?
[B]What should we expect from the week?
What should we make sure to do or not do?
Recommendations / best practices - re: preparation, schooling, activities… anything else???
…We want this to be the best possible experience that it can be since it will likely be their only Pony Finals opportunity…