Pop-Up Ads at Bottom of Screen

It’s SO bad tonight I’m signing off. I am now just not even going to try to be in here. EVERY single change of page the (**((&&^^%^ Dodge ad pops up.[/QUOTE]

Yup, same thing happening to me, too! EVERY single page, that d*mn Dodge ad is coming up (and messing with my computer). I’m outta here.

For the record. Any time I see annoying ads, I. Will. Not. Support. That. Advertiser.


Just my 2 cents.

the ads are making the site pretty much unusable on the browser in my iPhone.

-smacks ad at bottom of screen-

certain irony there, that the ad comes up as i’m complaining about… the ads. at least this one didn’t pop that little video up too. :mad:

Could those of you experiencing constant pop-ups or crashing please provide your browser and version in your posts and/or if you’re viewing the site on your computer, tablet or phone.

Mod 1

Windows 7 laptop.

IE9, Chrome, and FireFox all produce the pop-up ads. The frequency of the ads varies, sometimes almost every other page, sometimes very few incidents. . .

I have not had crashing, freezing or skewed font-type.

Hope this information is useful in some way.

I have what I believe is the latest version of Firefox on a Mac, and the ads freeze up the page. Sometimes I get the ad, which freezes it up when I close it…sometimes it just suddenly freezes and says I have “unresponsive script” which I close, but it comes back repeatedly until I wait for it to unfreeze so I can leave the board.

iMac with OSX Mountain Lion. Firefox 16.0.1. Seems like every other page I go to, I get an ad at the bottom.

It’s not as bad when I’m on my iPhone but it is significantly more difficult to close the ads on the iPhone.

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;6614136]
Could those of you experiencing constant pop-ups or crashing please provide your browser and version in your posts and/or if you’re viewing the site on your computer, tablet or phone.

Mod 1[/QUOTE]

Okay, they’re back, on EVERY page. My font has faded yet again.

BUT, even if there weren’t any font/readability problems, these ads are INTRUSIVE, block part of my screen, and are just plain aggravating.

Forgive any typos, but I now cannot see what I am typing because of that darn Dodge Ram ad.

THESE ADS HAVE GOT TO GO, PERIOD. Seriously. COTH is (or should be) classier than to allow this kind of irresponsible advertising.

ETA: If I were a side-bar advertiser here, I’d seriously reconsider continuing them because of these bottom(feeding) pop-ups and the negative impact they have on so many of the COTH members.

the ads are making the site pretty much unusable on the browser in my iPhone.

-smacks ad at bottom of screen-

certain irony there, that the ad comes up as i’m complaining about… the ads. at least this one didn’t pop that little video up too. :mad:[/QUOTE]

Ditto. iPhone 4s with iOS 6 FWIW. And I can’t find the x to make it go away. I realize this is very much a first world problem, but it’s still annoying.

Also on my home computer with latest OS and Safari browser (will get version # when I get home). At least there I can find the x and make them go away.

Not yet (am I tempting fate?) on old Mac at school with OS 10.4.11 and Safari 4.1.3. Although the computer is so slow that I tend to use my phone. Or did, until this annoyance popped up. Nevermind - just got one.

-holds phone up to screen- it’s, uh… black.

no seriously, iPhone 3 running iOS6 (? the most recent one, that took 90 minutes to d/l? that one) and safari that came with the phone, most recent update on that too.

thx mods!

Ditto what everyone else has said. No crahses but font fade then a huge popup (mostly of the Dodge Ram truck) that I can’t close. Have to back out or close COTH altogether. Horrible!

Sounds to me like this recent popup thing is affecting all operating systems and browsers.

Dell PC and Explorer

Windows 7, Firefox 15.0.1 (gonna update momentarily). Dunno what I have on my iPad but I haven’t been using that for this site because of the pop ups.

I don’t get a lighter font, but I do get the ads freezing my browser now and then and I have to stop the script to “unfreeze” it.

I really don’t think this is the issue to focus on, though; the ads in and of themselves are the issue. Hopefully you’re also working on a way to change the manner of the ads before everyone installs some sort of ad blocker and advertising space on COTH becomes irrelevant & obsolete (which we obviously do not want as we enjoy it very much here!).

Can any recommend a pop-up blocker?

I’ve had it with that truck pop-up ad! Can anyone recommend a pop-up ad blocker for a MacBook Pro? Won’t bother me to have all ads blocked if that is what it takes.

Windows XP/Google Chrome user here. The pop-ups aren’t crashing anything except my user experience. It’s annoying enough that I’m chiming here to say I’m also considering an ad-blocker. I have clicked through and purchased from sidebar advertisers in the past and would rather not lose all the ads, but the pop-ups are intolerable.

I’m a member of another discussion board where the mods/management religiously crack down on any advertisers who use annoying advertising – pop-ups, auto-playing videos, anything that crashes the typical browser or interferes with the forum experience. So I’m not buying the “we have no control over our advertisers” line.

When an ad pops up on my phone (Razr Maxx) I can NOT x out of it. It consumes my whole screen and any attempt to scroll to find the x opens the ad. I have stopped coming to the forums almost entirely because of it (my only internet is my phone). I do not mind the sidebar ads, but nothing makes me abandon a website quicker than floating ads.

I have an ad blocker and I still get the popup at the bottom intermittently.

Haven’t had any in a few days, now getting them every.single.post.its.really.annoying!!! I have a macbook pro and use the latest version of safari.

The ironic thing is that when I click the close button I often accidentally click on the side ad, not the stupid pop up. :slight_smile:

laptop with latest version of Firefox and AdBlocker installed months ago - no ads AT ALL.

Samsung phone (Rugby) no floating ads so far. Does it make a difference that I am in Canada?

I am on Windows 7 with current updates, using Mozilla Firefox 16.0.1

Each time that the Dodge Ram advert tries to come up, my browser stalls, I get a “not responding” message for the browser, then the advert comes up and I have to wait a few seconds before I can do anything else. Everything just freezes, then the pop up comes, then I have to wait for a bit because I can’t scroll or do anything else.

Initially, I was only seeing this pop up once in awhile. Now it seems like it’s coming up about every 3rd or 4th time I refresh or change pages/forums.

It doesn’t just hose my COTH tab, it hoses my whole browser for a time. Once in awhile, I have to completely close out my browser as the whole thing locks up.

Seriously, this is ridiculous. I’m having issues almost every other post now.

Whole screen freezes. I’m getting to the point where I am cussing at Dodge. Not fair to them…but the ad is really causing issues.