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Portable medical paddock (cross posted)

Looking for ideas on building a temp/moveable medical paddock. I don’t trust this particular horse with any kind of tape/tensioned wire. Regular round-pen type panels scare me (getting legs caught).

Mesh-filled fencing is my first idea, but I am not finding anything taller than 4’–does this exist? I’m almost picturing a dog-kennel type setup.

Needs to be somewhat portable as we will have to set it up at the rehab barn, then take it down and move it to regular boarding barn.

Open to any ideas–thanks!

Could you set up a round pen and add 4’ no climb wire to the panels? We use round pens as turn-out at the farm I have my horse and work at. 1 pony for metabolic reasons. My horse is currently in one during the day for hind suspensory issues. He is getting 10 Trazodone twice a day to keep him quiet. We have had 2 really windy days where we topped him off with some Ace.

We absolutely do NOT turn out in a round pen with a halter even a breakaway holder. BO had an incident where a horse with a nylon halter with a breakaway crown got the noseband caught on the drop pins that connect the panels. He was suffocating himself. Since the pressure was not on the crown it didn’t break.

We have had 2 horses jump out of one of the round pens. They are both 5’ ft tall. The 2nd one that jumped out bend the top pipe of the panel. Thankfully both were fine.

I think they can all find a way to hurt themselves on any type of fencing.

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If the concern about round pen panels is a leg getting caught between the panels, the square corner panels really reduce or eliminate that risk. There are also covers that can be added, like this:


Mesh fence panels may not be as sturdy as something with multiple metal bars (like a round pen.) They usually have a metal frame filled with mesh…that mesh isn’t very strong.

If round pen panels aren’t going to do it for you, even with covers, you might look around at your local metal fabricators and have them custom build you something.

Thanks. This horse, while normally very sensible, has an incredible fear of certain machines (think garbage trucks etc.) and has twice attempted to jump regular 4-board fencing with hot wire. The first time she was lucky, made it over, and didn’t have a scratch.

The second time resulted in this injury. Also part of the reason why I need something moveable, so that we can experiment with different places around the farm to minimize her exposure to traffic and farm equipment…horses. Ugh!

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Good insight, thank you! I’ve rehabbed plenty of injuries previously but those were not quite as severe and the horses were able to be reintroduced to larger paddocks with sedation and had no issues. This one needs basically a large outdoor stall for at least 3 months so sturdy is definitely a requirement.

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we used stock panels with a gate panel, we set up a temporary pen in the corner of one of the paddocks that we used to contain one who needed to be confined in an area now larger than a stall. We never took it down as every now and then it comes in handy to put one in jail


We have these.
Welded wire round pen

If you are familiar with Jessica Redman BSH, from what I have observed from what she shares on FB, she has two types of portable , very tall, enclosures for horses. They look to be what you may need? She brings in and out so many off the trackers that she is a wealth of knowledge in this, imo. Perhaps you could reach out to her! Or take a look on her page - it will take some scrolling.

Edited to add an S to BSH - Benchmark Sport Horses, I think I have that correct now.