Portajohns now avail. over winter @horse trailer lot, Schooley Mills (MD)

Good news Maryland Riders!!!

The Howard County Parks Dept has (for the first time ever) responded to our requests and we now have portajohns at the horse trailer parking lot year round. Previously they were removed from 12/1-April. If you get a chance, please thank the staff for this accomodation.

Also, please remember to clean up after you and your horse in the parking lot; this means policing up any hay, shavings and manure you left. There is a manure pit provided for us, or you can haul it home with you. Please don’t be shy about pointing this out to others who may not know (or are apathetic). It pays to be good citizens. Thanks all,

That’s great news!! Thanks for letting us know!

They weren’t there on Thursday the 20th, but I’ll be there again in the next couple of days so will report back one way or the other. And I will definitely say thanks!