I just read the reason for Belgian rider Tine Magnus’s positive doping test at the Paris Olympics: a calming supplement was recommended and given to her horse by the team vet. That vet was part of an Equine practice which was associated with a supplement company, and they sold the supplement to the National federation. Although it was marketed as doping-free, it actually contained trazodone, an anti-depressant. (And used in humans as a sleep aid).
While Tine normally was extremely careful about anti-doping, in this case she followed her federation and team vet’s advice, and administered the supplement twice, while the vet himself administered it additionally without her knowledge.
I find so much of this shocking. I can’t believe how dumb it is. I also can’t imagine how awful this is for her, for her teammates who lost their 4th place team finish, and anyone else affected.
Domien Michiels (dressage) of Belgium also has a case listed for human anti-doping at Paris, but no suspension. It was found that he had been doped by putting his dog’s eye drops in without using gloves.