Possible adductor strain

Somehow I’ve made what I think is a hip adductor very, very angry. I think I set the stage by waaayyyy overdoing it on a long outing of bombing around for a couple of hours, coupled with sitting some pretty intense spooks and spins here and there. Was pretty sore, then next ride suddenly BAM! during the forward swing of a canter stride a tiny spot in my inner thigh/groin area started screaming. I had to halt and slither off my horse.

I took a week and half off, tried to ride, and found I could not post without intense pain (top of the rise hurts). I can two point without pain, but can’t sit the trot, post, or sit the canter. I can walk around on the ground fine.

Has anyone done this? How long did getting back to normal take?

Oh boy, I don’t want to be a pessimist but I don’t think I would write it off as something that simple either. Horsewomen are very susceptible to hip issues, I think a visit to the doctor is probably in order. There are several threads chronicling our collective hip woes on this forum if you want to do a search although you may want to wait until you have a diagnosis so you don’t scare yourself unnecessarily. Hope it’s nothing serious.

Ugh I hate going to the doctor. I have read tons of stuff on the internet about these things taking forever to heal. I was kinda hoping for someone to pipe up with with their miracle fast track recovery story - because we are riders, so we are different, right? If I want to heal badly enough it will happen, right? Clearly not.

The good news is it is slowly, oh so slowly, getting better. I can post now, but not for long stretches.

I can’t believe this has happened to me. After so many years of riding, falling off, etc. I’ve never in my life “pulled” something like this. I’ve only had transient normal muscle soreness now and then or some bruises from a fall. Apparently I am not invincible.

You may want to go to your doctor or PT to get checked out. Groin pain can actually be coming from the hip. I’m actually a PT but I can’t really weigh in on what is going on unless I actually saw you. However, if you pain is unchanged after almost 2 weeks, I would get some medical advice. Depending on your state, you can go straight to PT without a MD referral. It saves time and money since oftentimes your PCP is going to refer you to PT anyways for an injury such as this.

I agree with other advice e here. Pain that lasts for 2weeks or more should be checked out You could be making this worse

I did something to that area several years ago – it came from over ambitious ‘spidermans’ from my morning crossfit-inspired physical training class… It hurt for MONTHS. I was fine in two point and could post and sit canter after a few weeks. However it was several months before I could trot without stirrups or sit-trot, and that whole time I had to mount from a VERY tall mounting block (like picnic table top) because the stretch to mount was excruciating. What helped, sorry, was not riding for about 4 months. I was pretty much on ‘stall rest’ – no riding, no running. I did some free weights, and worked my way up from walking on an incline to regular treadmill running. After 4 months or so when I was able to get back in the saddle, the pain was gone.
I did have a flare up a few years later, and went to PT and had MRI. There was sign of previous injury and PT found my hips were out of alignment; once we got that corrected, the pain disappeared again, but again required some time out of the saddle.
I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear. I rode for months with significant pain. It never went away until I took a break from anything that aggravated it (riding).