possible C2-whoknows disk damage

Yesterday evening I had a weird/scary event happen, long story short my right arm got heavy and unmoveable on its own for about 10 minutes.
It started with a cramping of my left foot/leg which while cramping is shook and quaked uncontroable. Then the arm thing happened. :no:

Because of my past intresting neurological history I called my neurologist who of course had gne home for the evening so I go the nurse on call who after pulling up my medical record strongly sugested that I get my buttocks to the nearest hospital if for no other reason for observation.

Well I had this morning a MRI, MRA of brain,cervical spine, with and with out contrast. All of which I slept through…
the cervical one showed that I had some ‘‘minor’’ arthritis of the spine of the C2-4 then of the C4-7moderate loss of disk height, anterior endplate spondylosis and posterior broad-based disk herniation along ith some other stuff. which basically transulated means some bulgling and deteration of the disks. The same down through the T5 Aint I the lucky one…:frowning:

The Dr at the hospital sugested that maybe this maybe the reason for some of the pain and weirdnessI have had in my feet, hands and the really scary weird occurances in my arm that I have had in the recient medical history of which they thought it may have been caratic. So I am to go to a Ortho with in the next 2 weeks and maybe have spinal surgery done… :eek::eek::eek:. Which I would rather not have but the Dr seem to think that that is the course the ortho will go.

Realizing that everyone is diffrent Iam wondering if anyone had had spinal surgery for bulging , and deterinating disks? I am pretty sure that they can not ‘fix’’ arthritis of the disks… And did your Dr freak bout your wanting to ride again? I know my dh is already and well I have not even seen the Dr yet…

I am to the point to where I just go and tell ANY to " Just fix me"… But unfortionaly there is no Dr House…

No I have had some scary surgery’s done in my life tme but spinal surgery… that is some scary stuff… and act


So did you actually see the neurologist? Your symptoms don’t match the xrays. None of the cervical changes explains what happened in your legs imho. Don’t know but those symptoms could have indicated a stroke or seizures or something else…See a neurologist first then an ortho…

I agree. I have herniated discs in my neck and lumbar spine and don’t have those type of symptoms. Everyone is different however. My surgeon is one of the best c spine surgeons in the country having pioneered the anterior technique. He said he doesn’t operate on anyone that isn’t paralyzed unless they go to PT and the pain doctor first.

Thank you for your responses.

No I havent seen my neuro yet. Tomorrow at 8am is the soonest I can get in.
She was just booked solid toay and noone canceld.

She had called me today because of my call to her. This was before she had gotten a chance to read what the hosptal Dr had said.

This should be intresting…I rally do not want this thing to be a stoke as my dh will probbly prohibit me from riding ever again… which may be a good idea physically but mentally…

What ever it is it has occured about 8x’s today but with out the leg thing… Just the arm and the unability to talk or be able to put a coherante sentance together either verbally or written.
even simple words do not come…
It was not fun trying to make an at with my GP I could hear how unable I was to talk… TG the guy on the other end of the phone line was very understandin.

I do how ever have a avhe a apt. with a apt. with a spine dr his apt is for june some tme.

So did you actually see the neurologist? Your symptoms don’t match the xrays. None of the cervical changes explains what happened in your legs imho. Don’t know but those symptoms could have indicated a stroke or seizures or something else…See a neurologist first then an ortho…

The changes in your spine do not explain the leg symptoms nor the arm feeling heavy. The shaking and ‘quaking’ sounds like a seizure (partial seizure) as does the arm feeling heavy. The sympoms without the shaking sound more stroke like. Not to say they were, but you need to see a neurologist.

These are most likely seizures. Make sure you are seen right away. These are happening in the brain, not in the spine. (inability to talk, etc.)

Good luck.

could also be transient ischemic attacks. grab your ID and your insurance card and a good book and go hang around the ER til they dig up a neurologist for you.

ditto, if this is still happening you need to be at the hospital not at home. have dh take you in right away and insist on a neuro exam.

could also be transient ischemic attacks. grab your ID and your insurance card and a good book and go hang around the ER til they dig up a neurologist for you.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. It’s TIA until proven otherwise. Jingles!