I had a horse that had EPM he was treated, and it was caught early enough on that he is sound enough for riding and is just a little weak in the back end.
I was boarding him this spring and the lady who gave lessons at that barn fell in love with him and he enjoyed being ridden in an arena. Little kids were taking lessons on him and it was a better fit than my house. So we gave him to her to use as a lesson horse / light use and it seemed like the perfect fit.
Long story short (fast forwarding over the summer to now) winter is on its way she is downsizing and he is the first to go. We gave him to her for free and she is selling him now for $1200. We have two horses that are perfectly healthy and could take on a third horse but it would be a squeeze.
We can’t afford to buy him from her but it is possible for us to take him back if she cannot sell him. Just curious what other COTHers would do.
TIA, just looking for some outside opinions. Are we crazy for wanting him back?