Post-Op Care Package

One of the ladies at my barn is having knee surgery next month for a torn meniscus. Multiple tears actually. Though retired, she is incredibly active, spending nearly all day every day at the ranch with her horse, riding and caring for him, as well as doing turnouts and lunches for a few fellow boarders. She is also a talented ballet dancer. I am worried she will go crazy during her rehab period! I want to get a care package together for her to keep her as occupied as possible. Her husband and I will be taking on many of her barn chores, so she just needs something to stay entertained. She has a fantastic sense of humor, so I bought her an adult, swear word coloring book and some colored pencils. And I’m going to get her several books. But she doesn’t watch much tv, and is very conscientious about what she eats, so dvds and snacks are out. Any suggestions? Is there anyone who had a similar surgery and got great care package items? I had arm/wrist surgery last year but that’s a little different because I was still pretty mobile. And I was also content to Netflix the first few days. Her… not so much. So any suggestions are appreciated!

Maybe a package of adult size baby wipes, hand lotion, talc powder…she might not be able to shower for a while