Post Up For Review- Could it be by any chance that I edited it too much?

There’s a quote I can’t find right now, but it’s something along the lines of: A computer is the best teacher. A man or a horse you can beat to make them go, but with a computer you have to sit down and figure it out.

Not the same quote but something I learned early in my IT career… computers do what you tell them to, not what you want them to :lol:

:lol: Frequently I tell my work computer - Why didn’t you do what I wanted you to do instead of what I told you to do.

Now, the crashing and such…so not what I told it to do.

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To be fair, the crash (other than electrical) may easily have been something that someone told the computer to do when a specific path was followed to a ‘dead end’ You just may not have been that ‘guilty’ party of explicitly directing the crash :lol: