Posting Pics

I just became a “premium member” & tried to post a pic for over half an hour, using all sorts of different posting urls. No can do. Just links show up. I want a pic imbedded in my post - that’s what I assume I’m paying for.

Can someone walk me through the process?

Many thanks!

I have the same question that you do.

I’m not a premium member so I can’t see the exact way to guide you through the steps, but when you go to post there should be a paperclip or some similar icon for attaching the photos to the post. They will be uploading from your hard drive, not from a link on another photo sharing site.

Sorry for the delayed response and thanks for both of your Premium membership purchases!

To attach photos to your post, click the “manage attachments” button below the post composition box. It’s under the “additional options” section.

A pop-up box should appear that gives the max file size for various file types you can upload–you may have to reduce the file size of your photo to upload it. The pop-up screen will provide the option to either paste an URL of a photo already hosted on another site, or you can upload your photo from your computer using the browse option.

Let us know if you’re still having trouble.
Thanks again!
Mod 1

I cannot post pictures. I thought I have been a premium member for quite awhile. Is my membership out of date? And how would I know that? sandy

Hi Sugarbrook ~

Your Premium membership expired in December. You can see if your Premium status is active by checking your profile page, where it would say “Premium Member” on the right side of the block where your username appears, or on any of your posts, where it would say “Premium User” under your username.

Check out Bacardi’s username/profile in this thread, for example.

If you need any help renewing your subscription, or have any other questions, please let me know.

Mod 1

HI: Sure, I would like to know how to re-new my Premium membership. sandy

I figured it out. Renewed via paypay. :slight_smile:

Premium member

I re-newed my membership on Feb 27 2012 and it is still not showing me as a “premium” member. Can you help?? sandy
Could you email me please as i don’t have the forumn turned on all the time. Sandys email:

I’m having the same issue. I just purchased the premium membership via pay pal but I don’t seem to be showing up as a premium member and still don’t have the option to attach pictures- help! (true greenie…)

Another one here. I upgraded to premium via paypal a few days ago and I’m still just one of the masses… :wink:

Another one here. I upgraded to premium via paypal a few days ago and I’m still just one of the masses… ;-)[/QUOTE]

You’re all set, Kathy – thanks so much for your support of the forums! Your Premium status is active for a year from today.

Mod 1

Yay! Thanks Mod 1!