Postural stability exercises

I have another thread on NPA. The good news is that my horses back is feeling a lot better after correcting his angles. BUT we have a lot of strengthening to do now that we’ve removed the bad compensation patterns.

I have an equiband and have been using the exercises in Jec Ballous 55 exercises book. Plus lots of hacking.

Does anyone suggest any other resources they’ve found helpful or have other favorite exercises?


Core Conditioning for Horses by Simon Cocozza is a good one.
Physical Therapy for Horses by Helle Katrine Kleven is also a good one.

Anything that helps develop core strength is good. Hills, poles, belly lifts, etc.


Balance pads + tail pulls, but I’ll admit I don’t have a program for that - my vet just recommended it to me last week. Maybe you can find an article or book on them?

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Jec has a new book out now too. I just picked it up and it’s got a lot of full routines to do. I have the 55 as well and have been having good success with both!

I’m also a huge fan of the Posture Prep brush and balance pads.

I joined the balance mat club, so much easier to introduce than the single pads.

Did you find the exercises in the new book differ quite a bit?

This horse has been hot and cold on the posture prep.

Agree on balance pads and tail pulls. On a weak horse I’d start with 2 sets of 10 on each side, 5 second holds with 3 second rests. Then two sets of 10 on each side of single leg balances (pick up one hind foot and hold 3-5 seconds, rest 10 seconds). Add in some carrot stretches/belly lifts for core work. Repeat 5x per week.