Pico_Banana, your the bomb for caring to share your Posture Prepping experience and thereby help spread the benefits to so many.
Here is a share for you and yours. I hope it all fits…yikes… I can only share 2 links. Fingers crossed
Here is a comprehensive list of my videos.
If you get the chance to watch the 2012 Equine Wellness video you wont be disappointed A full power pint presentation. Quite comprehensive. My flagship video.
- Foundation for good posture is all 4 cannons on the verticle
- Compare posture from right and left sides.
- RedFlags. Find it Feel it and Fix it
- Cross Fiber:
-back to front
-short strokes 4-6 inches
-Skin is the horses clothes start lighter to loosen the skin. Yet horse’s like it deeper too.
-use your whole body and watch with soft eyes. The myofascial system is a self lubricating System. Watch the fluid dynamics under the skin.
- Posture is the language of the horse.
Are they comfortable in their own skin?
Are they happy on the inside and outside?
Hamstring crease release