Posture Prep = Amazing!

Nothing says “two thumbs up” more than a fjord willingly stepping away from his hay to get the grooms for more than two seconds. This was a first! I just ordered 10 more so Charlie can give Christmas gifts to his horse friends :joy:


I ordered a truckload, too, for gifts. As I use the tool I consider it a big win if La Mare starts to yawn.

When I prep her before a ride, she gives good feedback in some areas and post-ride it’s in other areas. Now and then I get, on the crossties, that sideways, stealthy, super-fast nip. (She doesn’t get me. Just turns her head and makes that little snap.) Can’t tell whether that’s displeasure or an invitation to play, so I take it as displeasure and move to another area, lighten the pressure, etc.


Dont forget the legs

Rotator cuff


So my mare has gotten bodywork 2x, and I also did some kinesiotaping on her after her session on Monday, so I can’t say it’s all down to PP. BUT, I did not tape her hind end below her glutes. I have been using the PP for a couple days on her hamstrings, gaskins and legs. Last night, I was able to get her to relax her leg down/back so that she rested her toe on the ground just behind the point of her buttock. This might not seem like much to most, but she is usually so grabby and tense with her hind legs, and she was able to rest each leg down/back for maybe 30 seconds.

I still haven’t tried it on my other mare because I’m tired by the time I’ve covered 17 hands worth of the big mare.


I have been using Posture Prep for many years and every year I get more and more. I use them so much they wear out after a few years and need to be replaced. I cannot stress enough how important the posture preps have been for not only my horses but I keep the human by my bedside. I get wicked migraines and I use them to break up the muscles causing my migraines and it helps tremendously. I used the dog one on my dog that passed away pretty much daily. I never knew how much fascial release the horses needed until I started using this product. I have attended her seminar’s and watched her video’s for tips and tricks! Highly recommend to anyone even thinking about it. It’s the best money I have ever spent and does so much more than supplements which are crazy expensive!


I did two out of three horses today, then stood up and took a breath and had sharp chest pains I was so sore. But my problem children are happy.

I’ve been using one on myself. I have horrible pain in my hip/lower abdomen from adhesions and scar tissue that pull my pelvis out of alignment. I’m noticing a distinct difference in how the scar tissue feels under the skin and my hip has been holding the proper alignment better. I’m happy too.


I’ve had the PP for about a month now and it’s replaced mare’s curry comb. I have noticed shifts in where she’s sore as time as gone on. Her semitendinosis used to be really tight, but focused effort on her hind quarters and she feels a lot better. Now it is the under side of her neck that feels very hard. I definitely think it’s making her more comfortable overall, and it has significantly heightened my own awareness to the spots that she is uncomfortable in. And the mysterious line of atrophied muscle in her haunches that people called a red flag for PSSM when I posted about it is all but completely gone on both sides now!


Ditto. And like you, I’m newly aware of ouchy areas that come and go, and how they may affect (or — Gulp! — may be the result of) that day’s ride.


Thank you for this, @TangoCowgirl.
I am getting 3,for my horse and for gifts, and they are on the way. My young stallion hates to be groomed anywhere except his face, neck, chest and shoulders - even his nice soft Haas Diva, and LeMieux sheepskin elicit mean faces and pseudo kicks.
I’ll report back!


Lola continues to love her Posture Prep sessions after riding, but Feronia was not impressed. It’s pretty similar to her Grooma curry comb.

I could spend a long time working on Lola’s hind end, and she wouldn’t complain. She’s enjoying it on her chest, rather than barely tolerating it, too. (She also loves having the sides of her poll just behind her ears rubbed, but prefers that I do that with my hand - and tries to groom me back!)


I figured out how to make Shayney like it better. I have to get all the pee/poo spots broke loose with a metal curry first. She doesn’t like it as an actual grooming tool. :roll_eyes:

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Yes, I don’t like it for grooming, really. Both mares get brushed with a stiff bristled brush to remove as much mud as I can, then a regular rubber curry (Lola) or a Grooma curry (Feronia), then on to various brushes.

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Are you doing the cross fiber technique?

Well yeah, that’s the whole point of the thing.

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I bought one of these without high hopes because my horse has always hated grooming. Curry combs, jelly scrubbers, rubber mitts are all the devil and touching her with them results in nasty mare face. Only a Tiger Tongue is occasionally tolerable. But to my surprise, she actually likes the PP! I do have to be gentle with the pressure, but she really seems to like the cross-fiber technique. She’ll even close her eyes, yawn, and lean in when I use it on her neck, shoulder, chest, and back - I could never curry those areas without a bad reaction before. Really surprised by how she’s taken to it!


Sad blue face here. I ordered Nov 17 in hopes of trying it and loving it and picking up a couple more for holiday gifts. It’s been lost and delayed to the point that Amazon is now saying maybe mid January. Maybe.

Sure glad Amazon wasn’t so irresponsible with the parts I needed to make my toilet work.


Wow. I got one last week, then ordered another right away and got it two days ago. Mine is shipped USPS, don’t know how I got it so fast over the holidays.

4 Likes is where you can order directly from the creator of the tools and techniques.


So, I got mine a couple of weeks ago – it is a game changer - completely lives up to the hype! Thanks, you guys :blush:

I ordered three for three of my students who really love to do bodywork and grooming, they’ve reported back great results, and it has helped my mare tremendously in many subtle ways. She is looser under saddle, more freely forward – and her neck is getting some nice pops, even more than after all the bodywork I already do. Her hamstrings are much softer, shoulder is freer, she really wants to stretch her legs when I do my usual stretches, and has a greater range of motion – I’ve even worked on her pecs.

The one downside is that after I use it, my deltoids are burning – and with a repetitive motion, my hand arthritis does flare up. I’ve been trying to use it on myself, but it’s a little big - so I plan to order the human version. Right now it goes back-and-forth (and shares duties) between home and barn, lol! the YouTube tutorials shared on this thread have been hugely helpful as well. Who would think such a little device would have such a big impact?

Kind of hard to use it on myself so I’ve had my husband go over my delts with it several times – and I can’t figure out how to use it on my feet?? I have very tight muscles everywhere, and since I don’t have a lot of body fat I have to use it more gently to avoid bruising myself, but I’m looking forward to getting the human version.

Gotta love COTH :clap::heart:


FEET !!! drop it on the floor to massage the bottoms of your feet and between the toes. The Blue human too is very pliable and user friendly for humans on humans. Such great feedback!