I added this to my holiday wishlist! Thanks for the recommendation.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Posture Prep! It’s been wonderful for my mare with PSSM2/MFM.
My horse recommends it very much, but I was disappointed with how quickly those nice long nubs wore down. I had to replace mine in about 2 years of use.
This looks pretty similar to the dog curry by Kong, the Zoom Groom.
I’ll try the technique today!
Is there anything in the directions that you can’t figure out from their tutorial videos?
When I used it on my lesson horse I noticed that the most similar tool I already used, the cat curry by Zoom Groom, feels very similar.
But the tines on the Zoom Groom are all of one length. I think that there is a real reason for the design of the Posture Prep tines.
My human Posture Prep has delivered better results than the cat curry ever has. It is much more enjoyable to use than my previous helper, the HandsOn grooming gloves. Stiff neck most every morning, swollen foot (since my case of Covid-19 (Alpha? January 2020), sore shoulder-upper arm, and sometimes my knees (with my cataract surgery I am doing a lot of squatting, up to deep knee bends.) The Posture Prep is making my life a LOT less painful.
So appreciate this thread and I have a PSSM2 horse too and not only has he not wanted to be groomed but also has an odd behavior that when you start a walk warmup he stops and itches his body in various spots and does it easily 10 times. So today I thought I’d cross rub the spot he was itching and he liked it. Which was interesting.
After our walk warm up we went to do some brushing before his 10 min of trot and I did the cross fiber rubbing and he liked it. Like what??? I thought I had it all with my Haas brushes but off to order the Posture Prep tool.
I did watch her video too and can see how this would add value to their well being.
And look at her favorite products. Yep. Posture Prep.
Emma Ford is how I learned about it. I took a 2 day grooming clinic with her and Kat. Which if they are in your area it’s a must. I learned so much even after having horses for forever. Loads of tricks, and best products, etc.
I went to a Cat Hill grooming seminar too. It was great.
How does one find out about these things? I’m not in an Eventing heavy area (we have 1 recognized event in our area/ yr) but would travel for something like that.
In my case I only found out because it was hosted by a local pony club.
Otherwise I am clueless.
Worth going if you hear about one though.
Edit to add - Here is their website about their clinics and such.
Git out! How cool that you went to a grooming clinic with them . Could you share what other tips and tricks. I see a really good clipping article on her page.
I’m intrigued by this. I have a Grooma round curry with the long rubber pointy teeth, and the Goober likes it OK. He does enjoy it more post-ride, and seems to appreciate some PP-like scrubbing. So I’m wondering if I need another similar tool. (I mean, the answer to that is always yes, but…)
Of course you need another grooming tool.
The thing is that this tool is not that great for grooming, but it is really good at giving the horses something that they enjoy.
As of yet I do not have that much experience with the PP (cataract surgery, now facing 2 root canals) but my initial impression is that I would start with the PP if the horse I was riding was not NQR.
I have been riding my current lesson horse for a while now. We have been grooming with the Haas brushes (he likes them) and the New Generation curry comb, which he also likes. I have been using the Zoom Groom cat “curry” also, and none of them have changed my lesson horse’s attitude toward me, until the PP.
He actually nuzzled me after I used the PP on his left side as I walked in front of him to use it on his right side. This horse has NEVER nuzzled me before.
My posture prep arrived today. FYI if you buy the “cheap” one it does in fact come with a little booklet with basic instructions. Between that and YouTube, I felt like I understood the basics.
I only had time to try it out on one horse. Phew! Talk about an upper body workout! My arms are going to be toned if I keep this up.
The mare I tried it on is an 18 year old without a lot of wear and tear. So I was surprised how tight she was nearly everywhere. I had never appreciated that before. I groomed her with the PP for about 25 mins; I don’t think I necessarily loosened much up but she definitely enjoyed it. Although she enjoys all grooming.
Curious to try it on my 19 year old who has a lot more arthritis from a lifetime of work. She tends to be more sensitive when grooming.
Dr Pat is local to me. She had treated 2 of my horses and I have gotten 2 new Posture Preps during that time. I love the too as a separate modality. I also love her incite as both a horse and human chiropractor
Awesome, I am cheap too but curious to try one! It’s weird though—my Amazon search results don’t include an exact match for what you screenshot. The cheap one I can find says it’s for dogs even though it looks the same???
(LOL at the “mangroomer” below.)
When I went back to the one I ordered, it now says “currently unavailable.”
But I’m pretty sure it’s the same as the $9.95 one on the product website:
I used the posture prep on my more sensitive girl tonight. She enjoys grooming, but has always had spots she dislikes.
What an interesting contrast. Her skin was much more loose and pliable than my other mare, however, she did not want pressure. There were times I got some very serious warnings from her, especially on her hindquarters. I had to use almost no pressure in those areas. However, like the instructions suggested, I kept at the areas for at least 30 seconds each despite her protests, just adjusting my pressure to match her tolerance.
Overall, I think she really enjoyed it. She was soft and doey eyed at the end. She also had some very bizarre places she absolutely loved, like the inside of her hocks. And posture prepping her was a lot easier than my other horse who wanted all the pressure.
I’ve got two more to try it on.