Potomac fever - update- she is gone

Oh @Seagram I’m so sorry.

I worry about Potomac. We vaccinate for it in my area but as I understand it, the vaccine isn’t the greatest. A vet tech friend of mine said they had to put a horse down locally in December of all months due to it.

Many hugs.


There are so many different variants of PHF that the vaccine is only something like 75% effective. It only helps reduce symptoms when a horse still contracts it, but even that isn’t infallible :frowning:


I am so sorry for your loss.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. :broken_heart:

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Thank you, everyone. She was a sweet little mare. I find it hard to believe how quickly this progressed. Her pasture mate is missing her as well.
I know some people have mentioned on other threads, to bring the horse over to see the body, but she didn’t even look at her friend. Just promptly started grazing. So of course, when I put her back out in the field, she started calling and getting a bit upset. It will take some time for her to get used to being alone again. I don’t intend to buy/get anymore horses. She was the last one. I do still have the feral pony, but I don’t think the big field has good enough fencing to contain pony and if she got loose, it would be hard to catch her.


Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry. Big hugs.

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Very sorry to hear of the loss of your mare, that just sucks!. Hugs to you.

Vaccinating does not seem to help much. All the horses we know that got PHF, were vaccinated. PHF mutates every year, vaccinations can’t keep up with the new strains. The horses who died were just not caught early enough in the sickness to survive with treating them.

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I’m so sorry.

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I’m so sorry that your mare didn’t make it. Hugs :heart:

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So very sorry. The suddenness makes it all the more difficult, I can empathize.

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I’m so sorry. It’s always traumatic and know we are here for you.

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I am so sorry for you and your mare. I’ve been there and I know how heartbreaking it is.

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These sudden unexpected losses can be so hard to process. I am so very sorry for your loss of your mare :heart:


I am so very sorry for your loss of your sweet mare.

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((Hugs)) I’m very sorry for the loss of your mare.

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How terrible, Seagram. I am so sorry.

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My sympathy for. your loss. They don’t have to be heart horses to take a little piece of our hearts with them. :anguished:


I’m terribly sorry.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. ((hugs))

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So very sorry to hear of your loss. Many hugs to you.

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