Hello everyone!
I’m looking to get a PPE done on a foal in the Orlando, Florida area. She’s a 3-month old purebred Arab filly who lost her mother at 19 days. I’ve been following the breeder for a while (considered this filly’s older sister) and have always wanted a foal of this cross, and this is my last chance. I reached out to Florida Equine for a quote and was told $325 for the exam plus $50-$70 for travel. Does this seem standard? I feel like it’s a little high. Do you have any recommendations for other vets? I’m looking for a basic exam, no x-rays or flexions (obviously). I want eyes/heart/movement/confirmation, but nothing excessively deep. Should I pull blood work?
I don’t want my excitement/desire to have this filly to color my choices. Thanks!