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Prairie Hill Socrates, update

My heart breaks for you and yours, Clanter.

Sounds like Fig is doing a fine job of healing hearts already, and he’s not even trying! :unicorn:

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well I think he may be trying, he has something in his eye


I was 23 when I found my horse with a broken leg in his pasture. Vet said he stubbed a toe on the grass went over at the knee and it was an upper leg torsion fracture. Completely senseless and devastating minute to minute going through it. Unfortunately, or more fortunately over other scenarios, the decision is made for you.

Life has so many trajectories and you up end up elsewhere. So sorry I feel it with you.

~~ jm


I opened the thread expecting a great update on Socrates, and gutted to hear of the loss. He was a beautiful boy. It looks like the new mare and colt are going to be fun though.


Honestly after we had to euthanize him I was finished with horses, his lose was very hard to accept.