Prascend and behavior changes

Has anyone noted behavior changes in a horse that is on Prascend? Last June my mare’s dose of Prascend was increased from 1.5 tablets to 2 tablets per day. Last August she began threatening to bite when groomed. She has been treated for lyme and had extensive blood work done. The behavior is on again and off again. She’s 28 years old, and I have had her since she was 5 months old. This behavior is totally new. I noticed on the information that comes in the Prascend package that in the company’s small study, 5% of the horses showed behavior changes, but I have yet to talk to anyone who has experienced it.

I only have one an Prascend, and the only change was being quieter. I split his dose and then was able to give it all at once.
Any chance of ulcers?

Yes my pony got a little zombie like. No nasty behavior.

Zero change with mine who has been on Prascend just one month.

She was also treated for ulcers to rule that out. Thanks

One of my horses was put on Prascend and he became very depressed, lethargic, off his feed so we took him off. He was Cushings but I just clipped him a lot. Once I took him off he was back to his old self.

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Mine gets quiet, but I think he gets body sore. He shared his friends feed with bute in it and was acting much perkier. I added a joint supplement and some other anti-inflammatory supplements and he’s back to his old self for the most part.

My tiny study of 1.

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Prascend can make a previously stoicly quiet horse more peppy in some instances.

But threatening to bite seems like more of a pain response.

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Behavioral changes are common with an increase in Prascend dosage - there’s a great FB group for owners of PPID horses where this is discussed pretty frequently. My mare became incredibly anxious and spooky and started having panic attacks when I upped her dose - she became downright dangerous. When I pulled her off, the behavior stopped and she was back to her old self.

The best way to know for sure that it is related to the Prascend is to lower the dose back down and see if the behavior goes away.

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I’ve had several on Prascend the only changes were quieter and decreased appetite initially …

I switched to compounded Pergolide liquid and appetite returned.

I had one geld who was put on Prascend despite testing negative and he had an extreme temperament change and became aggressive towards his pasture mates which he had previously always been good with.

I had one horse on Prascend and he changed behavior by becoming more lethargic. In his case, it wasn’t a bad thing as he was kind of spicy, lol.

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Before his PPID diagnosis, I noticed my gelding was quieter. Not sluggish or depressed, just not quite the horse I’ve known all these years. It was a very subtle change, and anyone who didn’t know him would never notice. After about a month on Prascend he had his old sparkle back. I don’t quite know how to describe it . . . just more energy, more interest, more body language that says “I feel good.”

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