Healing vibes for Katie!
Come on Katie hang in there and get better.
Gwen be strong. We are here for you.
Healing vibes for Katie!
Come on Katie hang in there and get better.
Gwen be strong. We are here for you.
Monty and Kara send dog licks and well wishes for Katy and hugs for you!!!
Behind every good woman lies a trail of men
Gwen, I have been going through this for a while. Poopies is a really friendly 10 year old, spayed female,Doberman.This particular problem is very common in Dobies. When we first discovered Poopies having a problem she went off her food and started turning yellow. We promptly ran every possible lab test (bile acids, CBC/Chem, Valley Fever, etc). She was radiographed ultrasounded and had her liver biopsied. Our primary concern was copper storage disease at that point. Well when everything was said and done, it turned out to be chronic active hepatitis. It should be mentioned that my husband is a veterinarian, so everything possible was done. Poopies eventually improved, although she is now on a wide variety of medication including:(ignore my spelling, it’s late)
Vitamin E
Denosyl (Sam-E)
and we are contimplating Milk Thistle.
She is strictly on prescription Diet H/D
Poopies seems to have flair ups and then go into remission. When she flairs up, she gets ascites and slows down her eating. I have to say that I never thought I would say this but I think the Samm-E made the biggest difference with our dog. She was off of it for two weeks and wham, the ascites came back. After a few days of pred and Samm-E, she was back to her normal self. Also since the therapy started her ALT and ALK Phos have improved significantly.
I know that it is very hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Medications for our dog would cost about $200-250/month. At first, it was very dissappointing and I thought that I would spend my dog’s last days forcing pills down her, but now, you wouldn’t know there is anything wrong with her.
I will be thinking of you and your dog and hoping for the best.
Really, I am not breeding FOR chestnut, they just come out that way!
I am very sorry to hear about your dog. Since you need “some prayers” I will be praying for your dog and you through this terrible time.
She’s doing really well…another checkup and the vet can’t believe how great she looks…her liver levels (normal 0-1 about) was at 23 when she was first sick and now she’s at a 5 so she’s doing well…eating like CRAZY too!!! I haven’t seen her since this whole thing happened but next weekend Im going home and giving her a well deserved haircut and bath (her favorite thing) Thanks you guys!! You helped my Katie out!!
House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…
…Oh Barb, I am sooo sorry to hear that your little pal Katie is not feeling so great…
Last winter, I posted a thread with the same title, and the outpouring of support from the fellow BB’ers was overwhelming…some of them were vets, who were able to provide insights, understanding, and a variety of options, others were just kind folks who offered a kind word…
There are few things as hard to deal with as a sick pet…and I know you will do anything to help her…the most important thing I could have done was to just be with him, and ensure that he lived out the rest of his life as happy and comfortable as possible…
When the vet gave my poor sick dalmatian ‘days’ to live, i quickly took a week of rom work, and never left his side…i don’t know if it was the care, or all the love we all showed him, but the little guy rallied, started eating again, gained back some weight, and was able to give me 4 more wonderful months of his little life…which I will always cherish…
Just stay strong, and don’t give up…after all, she hasn’t
My thoughts and prayers are with you…
Gwen I’m sorry to hear about your Katie. I know how precious those Springers are. I have my second one now.
So Max is sending many doggy {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to Katie. Hope she rounds the turn.
“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”
Sending good vibes and wishes to Katie! I know it must be hard for you, not being able to see her. Hang in there!
ps: Hi anthem35/Liz! Did you move?
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
{{{{{{Big sloppy kiss(from the real Houdini }}}}}
So sorry I hope everything works out !!!
She’s still kicking!!! Here’s a good update atleast!!!
House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…
More cheer from one “katie” to another!
I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest
– John Keats
Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.
– Kyle Chandler
gwen – I hope that Katie gets better soon. I know how hard it is to see your dog get sick. And bravo to you for seeking the best possible treatment for her. Hang in there!
I would think that pooping would be a most excellent sign! Pepper and I are sending more positive thoughts!!!
My thoughts are with you and your special friend. Put everything else on the back burner and pamper your dog.
Here’s a cyber “dog cookie” :–:
Give your pup a hug from all of us. And give yourself one too!
I had posted a picture of her a while back and I can’t find it!!! She had a christmas hat on in front of a tree…if anyone can locate it, i offer a reward!!! My baby!
House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…
Visitors are always welcome!!!
Sounds like things are on an upswing. Will jingle the curb chains and, of course, the ID and rabies tags!! Best wishes for a full recovery!
Hope you are doing alright, and I’m sure that you are doing and will continue to do everything that you can for Katie.
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about Katie-Dog! I shall jingle both the sacred curb chain AND the sacred chain-choke-collar in her honor.
“You just keep thinkin’, Butch. That’s what you’re good at.” – The Sundance Kid
YES!!! She went yellow…her gums and eyes…within a DAY! She was ALWAYS a picky eater so we didn’t think much of it and she would always rather sleep than do anything else…also she pulled some ligaments in her left hind leg a few months ago so we thought nothing of it…but she is on most of those medications I believe and has been drinking and eating alot of dairy products and last night was the first time in a week that she has not been force fed…she has been eating a little on her own…her gums are PINK!!! Her eyes are a little yellow still but her color seems to flare up at certain points of the day…but that tail doesn’t stop wagging!! that’s a good thing!!! Thank you for your insite!!!
House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…