Prayers needed for my dog!!!!!

My dog was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis a few days ago and is in BAD shape…She went to a specialist about 2 hours away and is finally home after all of her tests and more tlc… She has been with our family since she was a baby…she is 12 now. After reading other peoples hard times with their pets, its now me too…this is too hard…

She’s on all sorts of medications and has NO energy and NO appetite so my parents have been force feeding her as she NEEDS to eat…but with all the prednisone and other meds she’s on, she is showing a LITTLE improvement. So please send some prayers over to my little springer spaniel Katie!!! THANK YOU!! She will appreciate it! I don’t know what I’ll do without this dog!!!


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

My dog was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis a few days ago and is in BAD shape…She went to a specialist about 2 hours away and is finally home after all of her tests and more tlc… She has been with our family since she was a baby…she is 12 now. After reading other peoples hard times with their pets, its now me too…this is too hard…

She’s on all sorts of medications and has NO energy and NO appetite so my parents have been force feeding her as she NEEDS to eat…but with all the prednisone and other meds she’s on, she is showing a LITTLE improvement. So please send some prayers over to my little springer spaniel Katie!!! THANK YOU!! She will appreciate it! I don’t know what I’ll do without this dog!!!


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

But you know the hardest thing?? I live 2 1/2 hours from her…She’s home in CT and I am on Long Island…It’s so hard…she is honestly the best dog I will ever have in my life…and she hasn’t given up so we can’t either…I get my daily updates from my mother but she still goes to the mail box with my mom to get the mail and does her morning bark when she goes out…and wags her tail like crazy!!! What they do to please us when we know they feel absolutely awful…but yet, the tail still wags…thanks guys…


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

Prayers and the very best good wishes for Katie! I shall have the kitties jingle their noisy toys for her.

My mother JUST emailed me to tell me she POOPED!!! She hadn’t gone in over a week…


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

Her gums are pink but she actually ate something on her own yesterday morning…keep in mind, she has had NO APPETITE!!! I hope things continue to get better…I believe it’s all your well wishes!! thank you guys!!


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

So sorry, I know how tough this is, thoughts are with you. Hang in there!

She went to quite a few Folly Farm shows a while back too!!! All, I know is she’s had a WONDERFUL life!!!


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

for Katie and you! Keep telling her (in your mind) to be strong, and that you love her. 2 1/2 hours distance is nothing to a dog!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

Don’t ya love celebrating the simple things? Good for her. Sounds like progress is being made.

Max, the Springer is still praying for her!

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

She pooped again!!! AND she was very demanding at dinner time last night…that’s good i guess


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

healing vibes and jingling chains for Katie!

<< “Think of riding as a science, but love it as an art.” George Morris >>

Awwww, Barb! Just what you need. I’m so sorry! Thinking positive thoughts for Katie!!!

Prayers for Katie and thoughts of you and your family. Geriatric cases are so hard and liver problems are a whole 'nother story. I’m sure the specialists are doing all they can for Katie. Angus, aka Mutant Boxer Blood Donor, sends big sloppy boxer kisses.

There is no crying in baseball!!!

My Aussies and I are pulling for your Katie… all the best!


Member of the Baby Greenie Support Group of North America


Really hoping for the best outcome for Katie. I know what you’re going through and there is no feeling tougher than this one.

C’mon, Katie! We’re all pulling for 'ya

In Loving Memory of Ascan (1993-2002) - “Fly upon angel’s wings”

  • I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don’t give a damn.

Hey, if you need moral support through this, track me down. I know how hard it is to go through this. Just hang on, hopefully things will improve.

Really, I am not breeding FOR chestnut, they just come out that way!

I heard the scoop!
Kate has pooped!


We’ll keep pressing paws till you tell us Kate is out of the woods!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”