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Prebuyers remorse/fidgets?

Are you buying to resell or buying to form a relationship?

I look at my horses as my long term therapy, vs resell or can I recoup my cost. They are horses, I plan to loose gobs of money. If I set that expectation with myself, there is little room for disappointment. My enjoyment and happiness is priceless.

One thing helpful for me to buy a horse is whether I would be happy to see their face greet me over the stall door and as weird as it sounds, they speak to me. If they speak to me, and I have an open stall/budget I’m probably going to at least inquire about them. If I showed anything more than local non rated, I’d probably be pickier about said horse, but life is too short.


I wonder if it like love, you will know the right horse when you meet it? (I have fallen in love with horses at first sight, but silly me!)
The other thing is it might be frustrating but you are not paying bills on a horse yet so can bolster and save your funds.

Finally, I would feel bad for settling because unless truly committed and appreciative of what the settled for partner offered, that sounds like a future divorce ( horse or human.)

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I sympathize with your post. After two resells, and a third horse that was supposed to be my forever horse but didn’t work out, I was searching again earlier in the year.

I have a very particular ride I like that I wanted in my forever horse. I am picky. When I tried my current horse, I knew he wasn’t really my go-to type of ride but he just had so much going for him and I really enjoyed him. Ultimately, what I asked myself was this: will I enjoy riding this horse? Do I think I will look forward to riding this horse? Will knowing he is waiting for me at the barn after work make me happy? And - could I probably resell him if that answer changes? The answer to all of the questions was a resounding yes.

I think there is a compromise between buying a horse only if its 100% perfect for you/you’ll keep it forever and buying for resale. Especially given the market, I changed my mindset from “I need to find my perfect dream forever horse” to “I need to find a horse I could see myself enjoying for a really long time, but that is also fairly sellable if that ever changes.” I would have passed on my current horse if I had gone in with the first mindset. I am so grateful I did not.

Good luck in your search!

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