Pregnancy and Horses

Hey everyone, I’m an infrequent poster here (since I’m so infrequently around horses), but I always come back because I trust everyone’s judgement here so much.

As some of you may know, in September 2010, I had a really bad fall that resulted in a TBI with all the fun symptoms that you’d expect to go with it.

Fast forward four years, and I’m 75%-80% recovered, very stable with my symptoms, married to the most wonderful man for 2.5 years, and 17 weeks pregnant with my first.

We moved to the Los Angeles area about two months ago for my husband’s work and we like it pretty well so far (I’ll always be an Oregon girl at heart). Now that we are settled into our routine here, I’m thinking about taking up riding again. This summer, just before I got pregnant, I was doing a lot of riding while we were in Virginia for a while. It was AWESOME. It was the first time that I was really able to focus on my riding to the degree that I did before my accident. I had planned on continuing to ride once we got here to LA, but somewhere in between here and there (in a hotel in Rapid City, actually), we realized that we are +1.

I thought I could wait until after baby comes and I’m out of the postpartum period to be with horses again, but honestly I’m going a little stir-crazy.

So my question is, would I be putting myself and my unborn at an unacceptable risk level if I were to take up my horse habit again? To be clear, if I were to ride, it would only be on a reliable mount in the arena, with maybe a light hack here and there. But is even that too much, considering I also still have effects from the TBI that I deal with? I mean, one bad fall could make me a vegetable, and while that’s a risk I’m willing to take for myself, I don’t feel like I have the right to take that risk for my baby, who we fought so long and hard for. If anything happened to this baby, I would just die. I would lay right down and die.

But then, what if I didn’t ride? What if I took up driving lessons or something? I’ve always wanted to do that anyway. Heck, even if I just volunteered for the local Pony Club or for a hippotherapy program…but even that carries risk. You hear stories of women getting kicked in the stomach and the baby dying - heck, I got kicked this summer right in my side, out of the blue, just leading a mare back into the barn. It cracked my ilac crest, two of my free floating ribs, and bruised a kidney. It would have been devastating had I been pregnant.

But then again, driving in a car is also very risky (especially in LA!), yet we do it all the time.

Anyway, I’m looking for reassurance, practical advice, or a good kick in the pants. Whatever you can offer. I NEED to be with horses again, to have back that part of my life. But even more than that, I need this baby to be safe and healthy.

No one, not even your doctors can answer that question for you. You need to talk to your husband and come to a decision you are both comfortable with. Congrats!

I don’t think riding is a good idea at this point. Your balance could start to be an issue at this time in the pregnancy and I don’t know if it is already mildly compromised by the residual effects of the TBI. Talk with the local pony club and the local eventing association. They would probably love to have a volunteer. You will meet people and become part of the local horse community.

If you did not have the TBI I would tell you sure, have at it as long as you are comfortable on a mount you trust. I personally rode until I felt I needed a crane to get me off. That was about 36 weeks along. Mind you at that point I was only walking on my steady eddie 21 yo mare but I was still riding.
I also rode at about 3 weeks PP. A doctor probably would have yelled at me but I was my choice.
I am also concerned that with your TBI your balance will become an issue.
I would research other things other then being astride for now. Driving lessons are definitely a good option, as long as the school has well schooled horses/ponies why not? Also, getting involved in a therapy program would definitely be rewarding.

[QUOTE=Vegas Sky;7937952]
I mean, one bad fall could make me a vegetable, and while that’s a risk I’m willing to take for myself, I don’t feel like I have the right to take that risk for my baby, who we fought so long and hard for. If anything happened to this baby, I would just die. I would lay right down and die.[/QUOTE]

Miscarriages & abortions are tragic events, but they happen & this quote is really concerning. Have you been to therapy to deal with the aftermath of your injuries? Your mindset doesn’t appear very healthy here.

In your shoes, I wouldn’t ride. There is an associated risk, and you sound like you’d never forgive yourself if something happened to the baby as a result of taking that risk.

Volunteer somewhere so you can be around horses (horse shows?) and get to know the local horse community…but it sounds like you’ve answered this for yourself: wait to ride.

I haven’t had time off from riding in years, have a horse I trust and am in-sync with, and I DID continue to ride while pregnant (just had my baby 12/3/14), BUT I was still cautious and worried a bit. I’m for riding (as safely as possible) while pregnant if you want to, but you’ve listed several points that make it sound like it may not be the best choice for you. It seems like forever, but it’s not that long to go without riding to help ensure your little one arrives safely.

Points that stand out to me:
-riding has been on/off the past few years (muscle memory may not be as strong)
-still have effects from TBI (not sure what your symptoms are but you thought it was worth mentioning)
-horse(s) you’d be riding would be new to you (even if it’s a trusted lesson horse) with an instructor new to you as opposed to a safe mount you’re familiar with riding and an instructor you KNOW is trustworthy
-yes, driving/riding in a car is very risky but it’s more of a necessity during pregnancy than riding is. It’s up to you to decide if you want to add extra risks to your pregnancy.

Congratulations! Your precious baby will be here before you know it. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone! I think you are right. Riding is not the best thing right now. I do still have some balance issues and very mild hemiparesis, but more than that I am out of shape! First trimester was a bit rough and I lost a lot of my fitness. As Crown Royal said, if it was a horse I knew well with a trainer I knew well and I was in better riding and over shape, it would be different. Throw the TBI on top of it and I just don’t feel right about it. But there are other options. I’ll look into driving - I’ve always wanted to learn more about it anyway! And I think what I really need right now is just time to be with horses and have their companionship again. I had to sell my beloved saint of a mare and rehome my sweet little kitty (who has since passed away) when Husband joined the Foreign Service, so life without any animals is a sad adjustment. Just having a few four-legged friends again, in any capacity, would be great. Thanks again everyone!

Driving is not safer than riding. Grooming and handling safe horses, such as at a therapeutic center, might be an outlet for you.

Calamber posted exactly what was on my mind. Driving can pose even more risk of injury than riding. It’s not something I would take up when pregnant. Afterwards? Absolutely!

I think it’s one thing to continue something you’ve been doing intensely prior to the pregnancy, and altogether another thing to take up something new that has risk associated with it. I am past having more children (please, please! LOL), but I drive my pony when I’m not 100%. I trained him myself and have been driving him for a lot of years, and it is rare for a week to go by without taking him out. But if I were to drive an unfamiliar horse, or if I didn’t do it all the time, I would need to eliminate other risk factors such as not being at my best physically.

Congrats on the pregnancy!


I do not think taking up riding again now is a good plan. And yes, driving is not safer.

However, you have some fabulous opportunities to be around horses in the LA area. LAEC holds shows all the time; you can go watch or volunteer. If you’re a dressage person, you can scribe. There are clinics all over the place you can attend - I did all these things when I was pregnant. I learned a lot and it was an excellent opportunity for me to do something different than my regular routine.

Perhaps your best bet for getting to touch horses and be around them would be to hook up with someone here who would be happy to have you come out and groom with them.

Another way to get some four-legged friends might be to walk dogs at the local animal shelter or perhaps take in some short-term fosters for a rescue. The animals get out of the kennels, and there’s not so much commitment for you.

I had my first in July. We had been in treament with a fertitliy doctor for 2 years. as soon as we confirmed the pregnancy, i stopped riding. I couldnt stay away from the barn of course, and i had many visits to watch lessons and rides. I didnt have full contact, just nice visits to pet noses and watch.

I couldnt live with myself if i put my baby in danger because i couldnt wait out the pregnancy. My doctors all said it was my choice. The what if’s are scary.

I rode two weeks post-partum, and have been since.

Miscarriages & abortions are tragic events, but they happen & this quote is really concerning. Have you been to therapy to deal with the aftermath of your injuries? Your mindset doesn’t appear very healthy here.

In your shoes, I wouldn’t ride. There is an associated risk, and you sound like you’d never forgive yourself if something happened to the baby as a result of taking that risk.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure that the OP just meant she would be crushed if she lost the baby due to her own desire to be around horses. Hypothetically, if a miscarriage happened because of a horse, OP would then have to deal with the guilt and blaming herself when she could have just waited.

Not trying to be morbid, just wanted to put in my .2. Congrats, OP!!!