Pregnant with first baby and looking for advice!

So we’ve crossed the 8th month mark of the pregnancy and I’m absolutely dying to ride, especially since fall trail rides are my favorite, though there is no way I can/would ride at this point. I have 3 general questions for those that have walked this path:

  1. Watching “Buck” kind of helps me feel connected to the horse world between my weekly trips to the barn but does anyone else have suggestions for other horse-related things I can do since riding is out? Other documentaries? Maybe good magazines? My horse is really mellow and quiet so she’s pretty safe to be around and I cherish my time just grooming her but barn is 40 minutes away and so I only get out there once a week.

  2. My other question is barring any serious complications, how soon after birth can I expect to physically be able manage riding, even if it’s just a walk?

  3. I knew a professional who brought her newborn with her to appointments shortly after birth since she was breastfeeding and couldn’t really take a real “maternity leave” due to her clientele. This was during colder months so she’d essentially set up the sleeping baby in heated tack rooms. I’m due in November and this is New England but is it totally unreasonable to think that I could bundle the baby up in my body wrap and coat for short visits until I’m able to ride? Leaving her at home might not be an option short-term since I’m planning on breastfeeding and my free hours are usually SO’s work hours. I know there are horse women that have to manage newborns and horse care so I’m curious to get that perspective since like I mentioned, this is my first baby.

Thank you in advance!

Check out this thread if you haven’t seen it:

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1.) Depends on how well you are feeling. I went for a lot of walks with my horse, lunged him, did groundwork, trick training, and on not so good days just groomed and/or hand grazed him.
Also, youtube videos of your favorite discipline could help. During my first pregnancy, I read all the classics on dressage (Xenophon, Robichon, Nuno Oliveira, Podhajsky etc) which often are more about philosophical concepts rather than instruction manuals.
2.) It really depends. I was back on my horse 2 weeks after a c-section (OB approved). Other people have a slower recovery. I think the first few days are pretty raw for everyone, but if it feels good, I don’t see why you couldn’t hop on for a bit after about a week.
3.) We are in Alberta and my first son was born in January. I had him outside with me all the time in a baby sling under a big down jacket to walk the dogs or go to the barn. It gets nice and toasty in there from the body heat. We do have a heated arena, but I didn’t start bringing him with me to ride until he was a couple of months old. I would not leave him anywhere without direct supervision, not even in a heated tack room or so.

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My second baby is due in a few weeks, and like you, I am dying to ride again! To answer your questions…

  1. Have you read Sara Gruen’s RIDING LESSONS and FLYING changes? How about RIDERS by Jilly Cooper? They’re good page-turners! Also, the documentary Wild Horse, Wild Ride is quite good. I think it’s on Netflix.

  2. I had a c-section with my first baby. I got back on a quiet horse at 6-weeks and went back into training with my horse at 8 weeks. I definitely could have ridden sooner, but I decided to follow doctor’s orders. (This time around I hope to be back on much earlier!)

  3. I can’t speak to this since I live in Southern California.

One thing I’ll add: When I was pregnant with my first, I boarded at a barn that I loved and had been at for years. But, like yours, it was 40 mins away. After the baby was born, I made the really tough decision to move to a barn 15 mins from my house. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made because seeing my horse almost daily really helped me cope with the challenges of being a mom. Not sure if that’s something you’re considering, but I just thought I’d throw it out there.

Congratulations and best of luck!

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Thanks guys - I love the idea of doing trick training with her a bit. I actually did this a bit with a horse I owned a while back that had serious medical complications, was young with an active brain and couldn’t be ridden for a little while - it was a blast to teach him fun little tricks. I’ll also have to check out the documentaries.

I’ve thought about moving her closer and definitely planned to once the baby is a little older and I can get more time to ride and/or start teaching her how to groom and pony ride. For now she’s half leased out so the help with the bills while I’m out of commission is really nice with a baby on the way but otherwise I’d be moving her sooner rather than later.

For my winter baby I wore him in a wrap then zipped a oversized hoodie I would wear up over him, toasty warm for both of us. I lunge and long line with him I do not ride with him (I know some do but I don’t feel safe doing that)
But when it got a bit warmer I would plan rides around nap time he napped in his stroller reliably while I rode and now as a toddler happily plays with special barn only toys in his stroller. My horse got use to him quickly and puts up with grooming, leading, and being poked and kicked way more then he likes.