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Preparing your kids when letting the family dog go

My condolences, VHM. Godspeed, pup. You were so dearly loved - she’s waiting for you all on the other side.

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Was thinking about you this morning as soon as I woke up and realized it was Friday.

Hoping for a weekend that builds more peace and acceptance for all of you <3


I’m so sorry. You knew somehow. She told you in her own way. Well done. I hope you and your family have a healing weekend. Gentle hugs.


I am so sorry.

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Thank you all so much.

This has been so incredibly hard. I loved this dog so much. She was so damn wonderful.

You all really helped me get through this week, and get done what I needed to do.


I’m so sorry :heartpulse:

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I am so sorry for your loss.

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I’m sorry, VHM. I know that for me, the losses seem larger as I myself grow older. Don’t be surprised if you grieve the dog longer than your children do. Of course they will grieve, and in their own way and time. Give yourself permission to miss her as well. Your feelings matter as well.


You nailed it. This has been very hard. I thought I had prepared myself.

I wasn’t prepared at all. I feel positively heartsick without her. So does my husband.

But the kids are hanging in there and seem to be handling it ok, and that’s a good thing. And I have horses and cats to care for. So that’s good.

But wow. It’s a crushing loss. I underestimated what her simple presence in the house meant to me, and how very much she anchored me. She was such a good dog.


I remember when I lost my ‘heart’ dog (and he was the only pet I had at that time) the hardest moments were coming home and opening the door…to nothing…it was like a physical punch to the gut for weeks. Hoping each day makes those moments easier for all of you…the depth of the loss you feel speaks to the amount of love you have for her…she was a lucky girl…


Even with cats in the house, I know well the emptiness when canine paws aren’t around…I know exactly how you are feeling now @Virginia_Horse_Mom.

I made a promise to myself many years ago after loosing a beloved dog, that I would never again be a one dog owner. Always a minimum of 2. It doesn’t make the loss easier, or the grief less, but having another dog in the house after one passes is soothing, reassuring, and comforting. The surviving dog will grieve with you and that in itself is a powerful pack experience.



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sympathy for your loss.
it’s so hard.

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@Kemosabe you are so right about having a second dog. This is why I got rather frantic to find a puppy after our dog’s brain tumor diagnosis! We had lost our second dog in the spring of that year, to old age. Thought finding a puppy to replace her would not be much trouble, but it was. We were on SEVEN lists for a puppy, over a year before I was actually ably to locate one of the breed I wanted! Litters would have only males, females did not take, others on list ahead of us took the only female!

I finally went looking for internet ads for puppies and found both our new puppies that way. Neither has champions in their backgrounds, but they are good breed representatives, move very well, have good temperments. We enjoyed meeting the breeders who had puppies very well socialized in home settings. They only do one litter a year. Got one pup in Feb, second one in May so they settled in, bonded with us seperately. They do care about each other, sleeping together and playing together.

I was quite worried we would be a no dog family if I did not find a puppy immediately, with the brain tumor progress so uncertain. Have never been dogless! My Aunt is now grieving the recent loss of her dog to several age issues and cancer. So hard as others said, to keep expecting the dog to greet her at the door or stroll into the room. She is thinking of looking for another, but can’t afford what she wants, will have to get a rescue or humane society dog.

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So sorry for your loss. She sounded like a wonder dog with a family who loved her dearly. I’m glad your children were able to say goodbye. Hugs to all of you :heart: