Prestige saddle fans: what is it like to maintain (flocking)?

hello, i am looking at the prestige saddles and reading about the more modern synthetic materials in use. What is it like to own and maintain? Are there any drawbacks to being non-wool? And what is the break-in period like, like the first few months? (Does the material “settle” or does the shape typically stay put after purchase?) I would be ordering long distance, so wondering how owners maintain them, and whether fitters generally work with these newer materials. Thanks in advance.

I own a few Prestige saddles, all synthetic flocked. All in the 5-7 yr old range. None have required maintenance, other than cleaning. No appreciable compression in the panels. No break-in. They just are what they are. :slight_smile:


I googled these saddles out of curiosity. My guess is that the synthetic flocked panels can’t be altered by an independent saddle fitter. Is that true? If the saddle fits and flocking doesn’t age its not a problem obviously, just like foam panels.

I’ve owned several Prestige saddles and none have required any flocking adjustments. They have maintained their shape and feel very well.

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I have a D1 Zero - to be honest have no idea if it’s wool or synthetic. I have had the flocking adjusted twice due to my horse in training changing shape. My independent saddle fitter was able to make the changes on the spot in his trailer in about 5 minutes, didn’t seem too complicated. Tree adjustments will need to be done by a Prestige rep though.


I have the ‘Lucky’ (pony dressage)
It is 5 years old and never had anything done to the flocking.
Both of our ponies love it.

Yes, they can be adjusted.