Previcox-Have you Used it ?

Any luck for stiffness?

We have been using 57 mg of previcoxx on my 25 yr old mare for a couple of years to treat arthritis. It kept her sound & happy to work. As a nervous Nellie, I give her ulcergard a couple times/week although she has not shown any signs of ulcers. We noticed a difference in her movement and attitude within the first week. Hope it works to keep your girl more comfortable.

I’ve had good results with it on my arthritic mare. She’s retired, but Previcox keeps her running with the boys.

A friend is currently using it on her gelding to keep him comfortable while she builds up his back muscles, with good results.

I am using it on two older, arthritic horses with good success.

One on of our horses is currently on previcoxx and it seems to work well. Also used Gastrotec ulcer guard during the process much like the other contributor. Over all both seemed to work well and the horse has noticeable improvement. Gastrotec has coupon code that works on their site for 20% off of your purchase it’s z22 I use it all the time.

Two 20+yo geldings at my barn (including my own) started Previcox several months ago and are looking like a million bucks! They’ve both put on a lot of muscle in all the right places, and have had no negative side effects. My guy is looking so great that I think I might start lightly jumping him again (he LOVES it) now that he is so much stronger.

Put her on a preventive dose of some ulcer medication while you do this. While firocoxib has a lower risk of allowing ulcers to develop, it’s still there, and 4 months of its use is asking a lot.

You’ve got lots of choices - ranitidine, Ulcergard/Gastrogard, abprazole from and omeprazole paste from

I use it for my older competition gelding. My coach seems to think it gave him his second chance at life. He gets 57 mg and has reacted very well to it.

I have a student’s horse whose vet prescribed it as well, and they get a quarter or half that amount.

My only trouble has been to find vets that will prescribe it.

I’ve used it as well, but mine is one of those horses who does get ulcers (or ulcer-like symptoms) after two weeks of use. That’s how I finally figured out what was causing the issues - started Previcox, all is good, then two weeks later I have a nutcase horse jumping out of his own skin. I put him on BPR (Abler) and the symptoms went away, but if I tried to wean him off the omeprazole, in two weeks I’d have raging ulcer symptoms again.

I did like the effect, but I’ve chosen to go a different route for treatment as it’s illegal to show on firocoxib here in Canada, and I didn’t want him on two medications long-term.

My vet loves the stuff and he is a top notch lameness vet. He put my horse who had stifle surgery on it. I gave some to my 30 year old horse and really saw a big improvement with his overall stiffness.

My old horse had a pelvic fracture and was on previcox. I don’t recall now if she was on it prior to the fracture or not, she was geriatric and had a number of issues throughout the years. (RIP Dee, I will always love you and remember you fondly!) She was on the dog version.
For the fracture, well she was already older so I never rode her after (was still riding her lightly prior). She was on total stall rest for a number of weeks, no walking at all. Then I started hand walking her and gradually increased her walks. She seemed comfortable afterward the rehab, until other issues came up. She spent her last 3 years living in a pasture with other seniors and seemed happy and moved around very well, considering.

Yes, had a horse with chronic lameness. After diagnostics and realization that it was going to be chronic, we put him on Previcoxx. It kept him comfortable and happy as a pasture pet for nearly a year until lameness in another limb necessitated

34-year old Morgan/QH has been on it daily for 3 years for comfort/mobility. It doesn’t seem to bother him in the least, and without it he’d probably be dead.

I see no down side . . . but be aware, Bute is a good deal stronger.

What kind of dosage are you all using? I have heard conflicting reports on this. As far as I know, it requires a loading dose, but not sure what the maintenance dose is.

My vet suggested a loading dose of 3 pills (57 mg) for 3 days, then one a day. That was for a 1400 lb horse. For my old horse, I just started him on one a day.

My now 20 year old gelding has been on it for a couple of years due to some unknown malady in the right front that only shows up when he has been trotted in a small circle going to the right. The farrier says he is way more limber than he was before Previcox. I did not do a loading dose. We use the 60-count 227 dog pills, quartered. He will nibble it right out of my hand now, followed by a couple of treats. He gets it Tues, Thurs, Sat & Sun now that he has been on it for a while. I think that once you get the inflammation under control you can use that dosage schedule. someone on this board said the half life is 36 hours. He has not show any negative signs whatsoever. I have found that Valley Vet has the best price and free shipping. And my vet specifically said he would call in the Rx wherever I wanted to get it.

I tried with my 20 year old Marchador mare. It really didn’t do any good for her.

Adequan worked for a while, but then it didn’t. She’s now on Pentosan and doing much better. We just got back from the vet. and she’s had her hocks injected. The procedure went smoothly and now we watch for any signs of infection. If she doesn’t show any problems then, in three days, she goes back to work.

Of course nothing is ever easy. Coming off the trailer she “missed a step” and landed badly on her left, rear leg. She immediately refused to bear weight on it, but within three min. was walking normally. The only good news is that she did it in front of a well qualified vet. surgeon and a DVM/chiropractor. I guess if your horse is going to try and lame themselves doing it in the entry portal of a major vet. teaching hospital is the place to do it!!! :slight_smile:


I used it for a 6 week trial to see if would help my mare’s hocks and timed it so that she was in training at the same time (so she could build up the muscle needed to carry herself properly). It worked very well, but the vet didn’t want her on it long term for minor arthritis, so I did a loading dose of Adequan at the end of the Previcox trial and she has been getting monthly Adequan injections since. The previcox definitely helped, but in her case the Adequan worked better. There was a significant improvement after the loading dose and a noticeable improvement each month after her injection.

Had used previcox for 2 bottles worth… not sure count, memory stinks.
Not for a pelvis issue, but some 7 months after ripping off half his foot horse was still NQR at different phases of his shoeing cycle. Changed shoeing approaches, changed farriers, nothing worked. Progress was def NOT linear.

Out of desperation vet suggested previcox. Started daily, then 5x a week, then 3 depending upon tolerance. This is a mostly out of work animal (due to my schedule) who tears around the pasture, often.

worked well for us.