Price question

I have found videos on a horse via social media that the person’s trainer had no idea were out there. More than once.

One of my proudest moments was finding a picture of a friend’s horse as a foal by his dam’s side.

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She said she didn’t have any friends in the horse world

Ok two things…

  1. Scope potential:

People can be wrong about this. There were folks who told Cudo’s previous owner that they/he were tapped out at 1.20. That has proven to be incorrect. Along with that advice was telling her that he wasn’t worth more than X. I got the deal of the century due to that, but ultimately not every know it all has the correct thoughts when it comes to a pairing between a known horse and a new rider.

  1. Inflated Prices:

Don’t forget to add in the commissions. Not every horse is advertised at the one price that the owner will receive. MANY times the folks outside of Ny, Fl and Ca (That have Equine sales laws on the books) are inflating the horse by including commissions in the “price.” You, as a buyer, have every legal right to have all the commissions disclosed, so ASK about them.

I actually won’t buy a horse with commissions owed to the seller by the trainer. That is not an expense of mine. SO I don’t pay it. The seller can pay it from pricing the horse well. Likewise if I am selling, I am not paying the buyer’s trainer(s) commission. That’s on you guys. Not me.
