Private Message Situation with Ad

The Smart Pak Ad blocks 1/4 to 1/2 of the right side of block. This is new.

Thanks for the heads up, Randee. I will forward on to the main office. What browser/version are you using to view the site?

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Mod 1

It’s not just the SmartPak ad. Every ad on the right depending on how long your PM is. I use IE 7. It got to the point in one PM that I couldn’t hit the reply button.

I use Firefox and Windows 7.

Thanks for the follow-up from both of you. Are you having this problem with all of your PMs or is it for ones that maybe have a really long, unbroken string of characters in them for some reason? We’ve had formatting issues with thread titles containing words that that were long and unbroken, so I was wondering if it might be related.

Mod 1

The longer they got, I finally couldn’t even see any of the reply button when trying to read. If I hit the reply button I could read everything a squished together. Maybe try a test PM back and forth with myself or VirginiaBred and see what it looks like on your side. I had one, now deleted, with okggo and finally had to start a new PM because I literally couldn’t reply.

FYI, in mine we left the original PMs in there in quotes so not sure what the system is doing to them.

When you “report a post” the ads are taking up 1/2 of the report box on the right hand side.

Could either or both of you grab a screen shot of the problem the next time it crops up and email it to me if you have a minute? The development team is having trouble duplicating the problem.

Thanks so much and sorry for the trouble!
Mod 1

Done!!! Emailed to you.