Pro-elite vs Triple crown

Looking for everyone’s opinion on feeds.
At my job they recently moved the horses to Pro-Elite Grass Advantage, I spoke with the nutrionist from nutrene and liked how the grain sounded and was going to switch my horses over. The place I usually get feed from doesn’t carry the Pro-Elite and said it’s not a great food and reccomended Triple Crown Balancer Gold.

From what I’m seeing they look very similar and was wondering if anyone has any opinions on one or the other!

Thank you!!

Of course they’d say it isn’t great, when they want to sell you the one they carry. lol
Where I board, everything is either on ProElite Senior, ProElite Performance, or SafeChoice. The vast majority are on the Senior. They all look great.


And did they say why? It’s a good high quality ration balancer, very similar to TC Balancer.

there’s nothing wrong with TC Balancer Gold either, especially if you need soy-free.


They did not say why it’s not a good feed, I’m assuming just because they don’t sell it. I like what I’ve seen about the Pro-elite and it does seem like the TC balancer is very similar! I would prob lean towards switching to the TC just out of convince of getting the feed but was wondering if there really was any differences

My horse was on ProElite Grass Advantage for a little over a year and did fine on it, but he’s on Triple Crown Balancer Gold now and looks incredible. He was on the ProElite because that’s what the barn where I boarded fed, but when I moved him to the self-care barn where he is now, I had to figure out what to feed him. I decided to remove soy, hence going with the Gold line of TC. I’ve been super pleased with it. His topline, hair coat, and feet are all better than they were before.

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This is a timely thread since I’m planning to switch from ProElite to TC Gold right now! RhythmNCruise, do you mind me asking how you structured the switch? Gradual mixing, or since the amount fed is so small, did you just swap out one balancer for the other? Trying to decide if I should buy one more bag of the old stuff to stretch out the transition.

I’ve been using Pro-Elite Grass Advantage for several years, and am perfecty happy with it. But I have not tried the TC balancer, so I can’t compare.

At the amount you feed, you can swap cold turkey. Any transition requirement would really be about taste rather than the contents


Well, honestly I went from the PE Grass Advantage to straight alfalfa pellets and a forage balancer (KIS Trace), to TC Senior, back to alfalfa pellets and KIS Trace, and now he’s on alfalfa and beet pulp pellets, 1/2 serving of KIS Trace, and a pound of Gold Balancer a day. So, it wasn’t a complete swtich over from one RB to another, but honestly, I don’t think it would require much of a transition to switch between the two. I usually dump what’s left of any old stuff into a bucket, then open the bag of new stuff and dump it in the feed bin (trash can), then dump the old stuff in on top and mix it around a little and that’s good enough. If it were a drastic change between completely different types of feed with ingredients that might cause gastric upset, sure. But the TC Gold Balancer is so gentle and has an awesome gut package in it anyway…I wouldn’t worry too much.