Problems staying logged in or out

STILL not able to stay logged in and have still not heard one word from anyone addressing the issue. Is it going to be fixed? I’ve had to log in about six times today, even though I never closed the window.

STILL not able to stay logged in and have still not heard one word from anyone addressing the issue. Is it going to be fixed? I’ve had to log in about six times today, even though I never closed the window.[/QUOTE]

Have you clicked “remember me” when you log in to your account? If so, and you’re still being logged out, have you tried clearing your cache recently?

Please report back here or via PM so we can further diagnose why you’re having trouble if those methods don’t work.

Mod 1

Hello ! I am still permanently “logged in” - I log out and the “remember me box” is not checked - it says all cookies cleared and yet I remain logged in ? What would your recommendation be ? Thank you in advance for any help with this situation.

OMG ~ It’s fixed ~~~ Thank You !!! Thank You !!! Thank You !!!


[QUOTE=Moderator 1;4525355]
Have you clicked “remember me” when you log in to your account? If so, and you’re still being logged out, have you tried clearing your cache recently?

Please report back here or via PM so we can further diagnose why you’re having trouble if those methods don’t work.

Mod 1[/QUOTE]

I click the remember me box about six or eight times a day, and my virus protection automatically fixes cookies etc. weekly. I had no problem staying logged in before the upgrade, and I have no problem staying logged in on my work computer, only my home computer is a problem.

Thanks for looking into this. Even having to log in every day wouldn’t be that bad, but every time I leave the tab idle for a half hour gets kind of old!

I click the remember me box about six or eight times a day, and my virus protection automatically fixes cookies etc. weekly. I had no problem staying logged in before the upgrade, and I have no problem staying logged in on my work computer, only my home computer is a problem.

Thanks for looking into this. Even having to log in every day wouldn’t be that bad, but every time I leave the tab idle for a half hour gets kind of old![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the additional info–yes, that would get rather annoying! Are you running different browsers/versions on your home and work computers?

We’re trying to ID the source of some of these persitant log-in/log-out issues.

Mod 1

I was just playing around with my own accounts and was having trouble logging out and switching between IDs.

I cleared my cookies/cache and now it’s working fine.

HenryisBlaisin’, even though you have your home computer set up to automatically clear your cache/cookies (mine is too), could you please try to manually clear them and see if that helps?

We can then report the results forward if we’re still having trouble.

Mod 1

I cleared everything out and am still unable to remain logged in. It not only logs me off when I leave and come back, but if I leave the window open for any length of time, even if my computer does not hibernate. I stay logged in fine at work, but not at home. It’s kind of annoying.

Perhaps your home settings are inadvertantly blocking the site’s cookies. I’m not sure of what browser you’re using at home, but if you’re on Internet Explorer, try this:

Click on “Tools” from the menu at the top of your browser, then “Internet Options.”

From there, click on the “Privacy” tab. Click on the “Sites” button, then enter in and separately and click “Allow” after each one, then “OK.”

If that doesn’t work, please let us know what browser/version you’re using at home and I’ll forward the problem on.

Mod 1

Very infrequently – but even three times a year can get pretty annoying – I log in, write and edit a long message, and when I go to actually post it, am told to log in again. After I do, the message has vanished.

If I could anticipate the problem I could cut and hold the text before trying to post it, but it happens only rarely and intermittently.

Yesterday or the day before I was able to copy the message thread ID (e.g., for this particular yet-unposted message it is; and after editing it is from my attempted post and then tried pasting it in after relogging in. Only that didn’t work either.

The back button is a dead end, too, as it only brings up the thread after a few clicks.

My questions:

  • Why does this happen?

  • Is there some other way to retrieve/salvage a ready-to-post message that vanishes this way so I don’t need to spend twenty minutes reconstructing it from scratch? It must be on your server somewhere, at least for a while, and ought to be identified by those URL’s.

Cookies are the most likely culprit. That, or your using Dynamic IP.