Problems uploading attachments?

Can you help? I tried all different file extensions…no luck.


I’m also having problems. The photos are jpg and not large at all. Is this related to the CoTH maintenance performed Friday evening … or is it just us?

go advanced button

Why cant i find the “go advanced” button any longer? Sandy

Thanks for letting us know about the attachment issue! I’ll pass along the info, and it’ll hopefully be sorted out ASAP.

Sandy, are you referring to “go advanced” to edit a post or for the search feature? I’m still seeing both.

HI: I am asking about my ability to post pictures and videos as I have done many many times. I do not see that buttom at the bottom (thought it said “go advanced” sandy

Sorry for trying to confuse you…what I think I am trying to find out is about the premium membership that allows me to post the pictures and attachments. I pay for that…how would I know if it has expired? sandy

Sorry for trying to confuse you…what I think I am trying to find out is about the premium membership that allows me to post the pictures and attachments. I pay for that…how would I know if it has expired? sandy[/QUOTE]

I am having the same problem Sandy. I am sure my premium membership is still valid also. I hope they get it fixed soon. I have noticed the problem for the past 2 days and have sent the Mod a message.

Oh, thanks., i thought maybe my yearly membership was up, but then I never know because we do not get a notice ahead of time. I wanted to upload a video of Blue Who (Hootie) on the lunge line trotting and cantering to show what good movement was! LOL

Then they need to hurry up and fix it because I want to see the video too:)
I was trying to upload pictures of our 6 month old filly eating smores by the camp fire last night. LOL
Hope they get it resolved soon.

Thanks for the clarification. :slight_smile:

Sugarbrook, yes, your Premium Membership actually expired on June 2, which is why you’re no longer seeing the “manage attachments” feature for posting pictures.

Everyone else, as long as you’re still seeing “Premium Member” under your name when you post, things are in good shape on your end.

I had trouble doing a test upload of a photo as well, and sent the error message to the tech folk – the timing would suggest it’s just a little snag with the maintenence they performed over the weekend.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience and will get things fixed ASAP!
Mod 1

I’m having the same problem…neither the url or file will load a photo.

Still not able to upload jpg files. Know CoTH is working on it tho!

Thanks for your patience everyone!

We changed hosts, so there were a lot of changes going on behind the scenes. I just spoke with one of the tech guys this afternoon, and they’re working on cleaning up a few of these glitches as we speak.

Thanks again,
Mod 1

Attachment problem is being repaired this morning. I’ll post an update when it’s resolved.

Thanks again!
Mod 1

Should be all better.

Let me know if anyone is still having trouble!


Great job COTH!!