Professionals: What did you do when faced with a temporary disability?

Long story short I have torn my ACL, Meniscus and have also some other small related problems.
Surgery is really the only option to fix the issue.
I am looking at a minimum of two months of down time.
As someone who currently runs a boarding business, rides professionally and does lessons this is terrifying. I do not think it’s going to be feasible to expect to continue any of these activities until I am properly healed.
Are there any resources for trainers? Luckily I pay for good health insurance so my medical bills are covered but I will be looking at lost income for months as well as having to pay board on my horses whereas I have cared for them on my own before.
Thoughts? Definitely not looking for a handout, just looking for guidance.

Sorry to hear about your injury.

You might be able to teach with some assistance (for jump setting, or doing whatever is physical about the lessons you teach). What about finding a capable working student to help? The summer is actually ideal for this, with lots of talented young people suddenly free all day. Your WS could care for your horses and help with lessons in exchange for lessons on your horses - and then you have several bases covered.

I agree. You do not need to do more than sit and yell to teach a lesson. A working student can be your runner. You can teach them on your own horses and they muck out etc as pay or part of their pay.

When I was on crutches, I sat on the mounting block and had a non-lame assistant ready to help with girth checks and whatever else was needed, and I taught the lesson. I avoided the barn because I couldn’t wear closed shoes.

Id be tempted to figure out what it would cost to hire someone vs. closing up shop for a couple months. If you send your boarders elsewhere, they might not come back.

Can you wear a neoprene knee support and wait until winter to have your ACL surgery?