Proin risks and side effects

I’ve seen Proin mentioned here now and then. Another Dr. Judy Morgan video came to me today dealing with the scary side effects of this drug; she also offers alternatives.

I have a young dog on Proin, I know my vet is aware of side effects because she mentioned wanting to be careful with the dosage due to side effects. We tried just the hormone first with no success.

Have any of you all every used any of the herbal remedies to help with spay incontinence? Did it work for your dog(s)?

A relative has, and it seems to be working acceptably. The dog did try Proin a few years ago and got really sick from it.

Good to know. I will ask my vet about other options. Luckily, on the surface, my girl seems to be tolerating the Proin, but I worry about what it may be doing that I can’t see.

Yes, I am using something that seems to work.

My rescue Chi-mix was spayed two months before I adopted her; she was estimated to be about four or five years old. A few months after she came to us, she would leave a few drops on the floor now and then. I don’t think she knew it but would sniff it when she saw it. It may have happened on carpeting too but I never noticed. It never happened in her sleep that I’m aware of, it’s just a few drops.

I tried a few bladder supplements but this one by VetriScience has worked. It contains red clover isoflavones, which “have an estrogen-like effect and may attach to estrogen receptors throughout the body, helping to support urinary control. Recommended for spayed females and senior pets to help preserve bladder muscle strength and control”. I had tried another kind that contained cranberry and pumpkin seed, which did nothing. She hasn’t had any leakage that I’ve noticed since starting this. She gets it on weekdays; it’s a small chew.

This one is made for female dogs. Their other supplement, Bladder Strength tablets, is for both males and females.

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Good to know, thank you! I will definitely ask my vet about these. I have used VetriScience joint chews for another dog and it was a good product, so hopefully their Bladder chews will work as well.

I used Leaks No More and Cornsilk on my 4 1/2 year old Doberman who was spayed at 4 months by the rescue she landed at. The natural remedies worked for a few years, with just some occasional dripping. But she has an odd uvula structure, causing that urine to collect and increase the occurrence of UTI’s. she just went on Proin a month ago. so far so good. my resident male is a good urine detector :laughing: so I know I am not missing drips. There is some thoughts that it might affect heart function. She gets yearly holter monitoring and echocardiograms, with her last one a month before start on proin (all clear). going to re-do holter at 6 months, so will update this thread with any findings.