Prolotherapy for an ankle sprain? Input please, TIA :)

I rolled my ankle this morning and had an afternoon appt. for trigger point injections with my D.O. so hobbled into her office; she examined the ankle and suggested I might try Prolotherapy (which she does in the office) for faster healing - has anyone done this, and if so has it been effective?

The sprain is relatively mild but it is painful - I’m trying to rest it as much as I realistically can for the first 24-48 hours.


sorry no knowledge of stated treatment


I trust you are following the usual

Compression /wrapping
Elevating [INDENT]‘RICE’ in the meantime …

Jingles & AO for a quick recovery ![/INDENT]

Make sure your insurance covers it. Last I heard most insurance does not cover it since it has not proven to be effective. I pay medical claims for a living. I had looked into it for my back after an auto accident about 15 years ago. The doctor was a quack so I never pursued it.

Look on YouTube for k taping ankles. I applied kinesio tape the last time I rolled my ankle and it helped with swelling and stabilitys