Pronunciation Question

Ahh you are correct. Shouldn’t post before coffee :slight_smile:

I have always said Bau -cher, looks like I have to relearn how to say it lol @solarflight Youll love this haha

If you want to pronounce Baucher the French way then it’s bo-shé ( short o, and final é as in café ot latté).

But no one will understand you, probably, so go with boe-shay but definitely no final -r sound !!!

And definitely not BOOO-SHÉ (or boo-shay) because THAT word (boucher) has nothing to do with a Baucher bit - itmeans “butcher” in French :lol:


If I misspell it first, can I keep pronouncing it that way?


Yup. “Bau” in french would not be pronounced “boo” - “Bau” would be closer to the English pronunciation of “bow tie” (but pronounced without the “w” sound at the end).

LOL by all means! It’s a free country, as the saying goes…:wink:

Years ago the company I worked for had a field rep whose name was spelled “Boucher”. He pronounced his name “Booshay”, so that’'s how I would pronounce it.

I asked a horsey friend of mine who lives in France – and he said it’s pronounced boosh-ay. Accent on first syllable.

Funny, my French horsey friends say “bo-shé”.

Also remember that no matter how good your French is, names needn’t follow pronunciation rules. See Moët et Chandon champagne or Callebaut chocolate. The Callebauts are Belgian so their French will have differences from France French, Swiss French, Québécois, etc. So ultimately you need to know how the person whose name it was pronounced it. Another good example is WEB Du Bois.