Pronunciation Question

How do you pronounce the bit, Boucher? I’ve heard at least 7 different ways of pronouncing it.

Someone help settle this and help me not sound like an idiot!
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Boo-shay, but I’m probably an idiot, so don’t take my word on it. :lol:


Think it is actually a “Baucher” so bow-cher (bow rhyming with now not know) or boe-shay

Baucher bits are named after Francois Baucher (1796-1873)


Definitely Boo-shay

I believe it’s a French pronunciation.

I still say bow-cher (to drive my dressage-diva friend nuts) and blame it on my East Coast accent :lol:

Boo-shay just sounds way to fancy coming out of my mouth amongst so many expletives :wink:


If you aren’t confident in the answers you are getting, call it a “Hanging cheek” snaffle instead. :wink:

(I always said Boo Shay. But I mispronounce breeches, always have and always will.)

I speak just enough French that even if it isn’t french, I will always pronounce it that way. (Boo-shay)


Boo shay.

How do you mispronounce breeches???

I also say boo-shay.

Bitting specialist and owner of Bit Bank Australia Charmae Bell pronounces it “bow-cher” and that’s how I’ve always heard it, even from my mother who is fluent in French and used to live there.

Same but since its Baucher, I say “Boe-shay”.


I have always called it a BOW-CHER but… I don’t honestly know the real way to say it so take this with a grain of salt :lol:

All good as an anglicized version as long as that “bow” is as in “take a bow” and not as in “bow-tie” :).
The French version would be “boe-shay”

Apologies to all phoneticists out there…

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British English is biased by their very national origin. Breeches ise pronounced “Britches”. (British Britches.)

American English is more phonetic. Breeches is pronounced “breeeches.”

They are britches to me, though I can see breeeeches. Don’t get “breeks,” which I have also heard, but rarely.

bo shay

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Boschee. No y.

Yes I pronounce it bow as in take a bow :lol:

As for breeches, I call them BREE-CHIZ lol

Bo-share. In French it would appropriately be boo-shay (with the y between a y and an r) but I already tend to sound unintentionally pretentious so I try to keep my French injections to a minimum and only use it when I’m actually speaking French.

Wouldn’t “boo” be “Bou-” in French? As in “bouche”? Since it is “Bau-” wouldn’t it be differently pronounced?